Forever young: Scientific breakthrough WILL extend the lives of millions
The research could improve the quality of life for an ageing population
A SCIENTIFIC breakthrough could help the body counteract the impact of ageing by regrowing muscle, tendon and cartilage.
Experts have discovered techniques that stimulate cell growth and strengthen joints, enabling the elderly to fight diseases and conditions that blight later life.

The research could improve quality of life and drastically cut the spiralling costs of caring for an ageing population.

The pharmaceutical firm Novartis is working on a therapy that will reactivate growth cells that become dormant in the body after adulthood.

It works by delivering a monoclonal antibody – a laboratory-engineered molecule that mimics natural antibodies – to neutralise a receptor in the body responsible for switching off growth cells.

They believe improved muscle mass and stability could help prevent falls, which cause around 76,000 hip fractures a year in the UK and costs the NHS £1.4billion.

The figures are predicted to double by 2050.

“This is regenerative medicine, using the body itself to stimulate the immune system to counteract the effects of ageing on the quality of life,” said Vas Narasimhan, Global Head of Development at Novartis.
“We are targeting the receptor that down-regulates muscle growth. By blocking that receptor, we can stimulate muscle growth.

“The body retains the cells that generated cartilage and tendon but they become dormant. The question is, can you reactivate them to grow cartilage and tendon again? We have shown in clinical trials that you can grow the deltoid and quadriceps.”

The body can lose one per cent of muscle mass a year after the age of 50.
This is regenerative medicine, using the body itself to stimulate the immune system to counteract the effects of ageing on the quality of life
Vas Narasimhan, Global Head of Development at Novartis
The company believes stronger muscles in the elderly could improve mobility and improve cardiovascular health because people will be fitter.

Mr Narasimhan added: “When you have an ageing population, people lose their mobility and independence, so these new therapies could be big.

“If you think of cartilage loss in the knee, most of what we have is symptom relief. We can’t actually restore the elements of the joint.

“Tendons in areas such as the shoulder or Achilles don’t repair well, so if you had a therapy that could improve the results from surgery you would really improve the quality of life. We are looking at it speeding up recovery time from hip fractures.

“Evidence suggests that if people are more mobile their weight comes down and their cardiovascular fitness improves.”

The company is running trials on the antibody, known as Bimagrumab, but says it is some years away from widespread availability.

Several companies are researching similar therapies but Novartis appears the most advanced.

Its version is delivered as a drip and tackles a rare muscle-wasting disease called sporadic inclusion-body myositis.

Patients in tests increased thigh muscle volume and were able to walk farther than those taking a placebo.

It is also in trials for other muscle wasting conditions and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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