Seven reasons why sex in your fifties is the best
Sex for the over-50s is an interesting topic of conversation
THERE'S no reason for your sex life to suffer when you turn 50, in fact most people say they reach a peak of sexual satisfaction after celebrating their half-century birthday.
Whenever sex comes up as a topic, most relate to 20-somethings enjoying a night of passion or a stable, sexual relationship.

But what happened to the over-50s enjoying sex? Just because the grey hairs have started sneaking through, doesn't mean it's time to pack-up the raunchy underwear and forget sex forever.
We take a look at seven top reasons why sex in your 50s is one of the best and most satisfying eras of your life. 
Seven reasons why sex in your fifties is the best
When you hit your 50s you've had five long decades to come to terms with how you look

Seven reasons why sex in your fifties is the best
Many say the older you get, the more confident and fabulous the sex
More satisfied: A National Council on Ageing survey reports, among people age 60 and over who have regular intercourse, 74 percent of the men and 70 percent of the women find their sex lives more satisfying than when they were in their forties.
For people in the later stages of their relationship, sexual satisfaction depends more on the overall quality of the relationship than it does for young whipper-snappers. 
On National Orgasm Day we asked a sexpert if women in their 50s could orgasm like they did in their 20s - and THIS was the answer. 
Better orgasms: This one's for the ladies. It's said women find increased sexual pleasure after menopause and even experience more frequent or more intense orgasms.
Self confidence: When you hit your 50s you've had five long decades to come to terms with how you look, feel and what's been in your past. Unlike your worry-filled 20s, in your 50s you're free and easy, oozing confidence. 
Self-Pleasure: Pre-heating your own oven is no longer a taboo subject. In your 50s you've learned all about your own body and know how to explore the vast garden of your own erogenous tissue
More Time: In your 50s you've paid your dues working all the hours of the week (and weekend for most) building up your career and now there's time to sit back and relax. Taking more time for yourself means less pressure, less anxiety and more time to do what you want. 
Increased foreplay: It's a well-known fact a change in hormones for both men and women in their 50s means peaks and troughs when it comes to sex. But one way to combat that is to increase the levels of foreplay, masturbation and exercise. What better excuse is there than that? 
Empty nest: If you've got kids they'll probably have left home by now - and if they haven't the worries you once had about curfews and homework will be gone. Relish in the home you've made and build it up as yours and your partner's, once again. 

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