Should the struggling NHS pick up the tab for foreign cosmetic surgery gone wrong?
The NHS is struggling enough without having to correct botched foreign surgery
Brits have spoken out about the NHS picking up the price tab for botched boob jobs had abroad, and it's a firm no from us.
A giant three quarters of people in the UK think the NHS shouldn’t pick up the tab for botched boob jobs. 
One in four women have admitted they would have plastic surgery to help get their body ‘beach ready’ but this can come at a price to our health service when they decide to do it on the cheap. 
Patients are able to save up to an unbelievable 90 per cent on procedures if they go abroad, so it’s unsurprising the world wide medical tourism market is growing at a rate of around 20 per cent per year.
More and more ‘holiday’ operations are having to be put right once patients return home, leaving the NHS (and British tax payers) to pick up the pieces.
The cosmetic procedures on British people are often now carried out overseas by ‘experts’ who offer ‘free’ consultations. 
Should the struggling NHS pick up the tab for foreign cosmetic surgery gone wrong?
Holiday operations are having to be put right once patients return home
In essence, however, they lock in patients with booking fees and non-refundable deposits which rushes people into a decision. 
Complications following a cosmetic procedure range from needing emergency surgery straight away, to recovering from blood poisoning, blood clots, wound infections and on some occasions removing surgical equipment which has been left inside their body post op. 
Often the dodgy procedures will need a number of operations and treatments to put right, and it’s not uncommon for these multiple procedures to run over the course of a number of years.
With the NHS already struggling after a series of cuts from previous governments, these slap-dash decisions are weighing down our society. 
Pryers Solicitors were interested in finding out how the general public felt about picking up the bill for defective cosmetic surgery procedures. 
In a survey they asked: "Do you think that people who have faulty cosmetic surgery procedures should be able to rely on the NHS to fix them?"
The results show a staggering 75 per cent of respondents thought the NHS should not fix faulty cosmetic procedures. 
Jenny, a representative from medical negligence and personal injury claims specialists Pryers Solicitors said: "The results of the survey surprised us, I think a lot of people hear the phrase cosmetic surgery and assume the reason it is carried out is purely for vanity. 
"However the term cosmetic surgery covers all sorts of procedures and often there are very severe medical reasons as to why a cosmetic procedure is undertaken." 
She continued: "At Pryers Solicitors we have pursued and won cases in relation to many aspects of Cosmetic Surgery Earlier this year we secured a settlement for a lady who, despite thoroughly researching the UK based clinic, was fitted with the wrong sized implants and needed procedure to correct the error." 
Should the struggling NHS pick up the tab for foreign cosmetic surgery gone wrong?
Often the dodgy procedures will need a number of operations and treatments to put right
It sounds like the jury's out for the solicitors but the nation have spoken about botch boob job victims coming crawling back to the UK to be fixed by the NHS. 

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