IT'S not the food that's bad for you - now takeaway boxes could kill you.

New trend for heart-attack snack 'munchie boxes' ROCKED by chemical-laiden packaging
Munchie boxes are a new trend in the north of England and Scotland
If you haven't heard of 'munchie boxes', where on earth have you been? 
This is the new fast food trend hitting the north of England, originating in Scotland and is growing in popularity. 
The boxes include enough food to feed a family - but mainly greasy, calorie-laiden food stuffs including several types of kebab meat, chips and cheese. 
But it turns out, if the food doesn't harm you, the box it's presented in might well be bad for you. 
What might look like a simple pizza box has officially been banned in the US because of a compound used to stop the grease - perfluoroalkyl ethyl. 
New trend for heart-attack snack 'munchie boxes' ROCKED by chemical-laiden packaging
This is the contents of a usual munchie box
New trend for heart-attack snack 'munchie boxes' ROCKED by chemical-laiden packaging
It turns out certain types of pizza boxes could be bad for your health
Perfluoroalkyl ethyl is also known as perfluorochemicals (PFCs) - and perfluorochemicals (PFCs) are defined by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services as: "…a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water."
Authorities in the US have now banned the chemical - amongst others - because it may be harmful to health.
A statement from the US Food and Drug Administration said they were “proposing that we amend our food additive regulation to no longer provide for the use of three specific perfluoroalkyl ethyl containing food-contact substances (FCSs) as oil and water repellants for paper and paperboard for use in contact with aqueous and fatty foods.”
In a nutshell, this means food can't be sold in the US if it's been in direct contact with boxes treated with the substances. 
It's unknown what the banned substance can do to you - but it's a strong move for the US government to ban it. 
What about the UK? Well, it's would seem the same rule doesn't apply but there's a debate as to whether or not the chemicals are used over here.
A Watchdogs Food Standards Scotland spokesman told The Mirror: “There is no specific European legislation on the chemicals that can be used in paper board, but suppliers of such materials need to demonstrate that it is compliant and it is safe.
“Any pizza boxes used in Scotland must comply.”
The Daily Record has taken the claims one step further, speaking to Scottish marine biology expert Dr Mark Hartl. 
The Heriot-Watt University educated Doctor claims the chemical caused “a build-up of testosterone in female snails," which subsequently lead to masculinised females who grew penises.
New trend for heart-attack snack 'munchie boxes' ROCKED by chemical-laiden packaging
Munchie boxes are shared with friends, usually after a night out

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