Star Wars Battlefront publisher reveals plans for next year
Star Wars: Battlefront has been a smash hit following its release in November
EA have told investors to expect ‘an embarrassment of riches’ as far as games are concerned.
Speaking at the Credit Suisse Technology Conference, COO Peter Moore revealed that EA are planning to unleash a barrage of top-quality titles following the success of Star Wars: Battlefront last month.
The shooter has gone down a storm with the gaming community, and although it has come under criticism for not having a single player mode, EA are planning to release a lot of DLC packs to keep the game feeling fresh.
Star Wars Battlefront publisher reveals plans for next year
EA is planning to release a number of DLC packs for Battlefront in the future
it’s a little bit of an embarrassment of riches, particularly in FY 17
Peter Moore

And fans of the company will be treated to a whole host of other exciting titles, with Moore explaining: “Well, it’s a little bit of an embarrassment of riches, particularly in FY 17 which commences for us on April 1 [2016], in which we’ve got some of our core franchises: a new Battlefield coming up, a new Mass Effect title coming up. 
“We actually kick off the year with Mirror's Edge which we have pushed out of FY16 and into FY17 and we also have Mass Effect from our BioWare studio, Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Star Wars Battlefront publisher reveals plans for next year
EA is set to launch a new Mass Effect game in 2016

Star Wars Battlefront publisher reveals plans for next year
Mirror's Edge will be one of EA's biggest titles next year
"So one of the things we need to do - and Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is shipping in Q4 of this year - is to merchandise, is to make sure that we don't cannibalise. It's a high class problem to have."

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