NOT enough people are able to spot the signs of a life-threatening heart attack, according to a new study.
MEDICAL WARNING: Can YOU spot the signs of a heart attack?
Not enough people can spot the signs of a heart attack, say researchers
People at risk of a heart attack are putting their lives on the line by taking too long to recognise heart attack warning signs, the latest research has revealed.
The study also warned there are far better outcomes for patients treated within a TWO hour window.
Researchers compared the impact of the patient’s heart muscle function from the arrival at the hospital until they were treated.
Patients who received treatment two to four hours or later after they first started experiencing symptoms were less likely to have blood flow full restored to the heart and were more at risk of death over the next three years, compared to patients who received treatment more quickly. 
MEDICAL WARNING: Can YOU spot the signs of a heart attack?
People are putting their lives on the line by taking too long to recognise signs
The American Heart Association have urged that patients suffering from ST-segment elevation myocardial (STEMI) should be treated within 90-minutes or less of reaching hospital.
STEMI is a severe heart attack that occurs when a coronary artery suddenly becomes at least partial blocked by a blood clot, causing some of the heart muscle being supplied by that artery to become infarcted.
According to the NHS, a STEMI is what most people think of when they hear the term “heart attack.”
Researchers looked at the outcomes of over 2,000 patients who had been treated within two hours and less, between two and four hours, as well as more than four hours.
MEDICAL WARNING: Can YOU spot the signs of a heart attack?
Nausea and vomiting are potential heart attack symptoms
Study author Dr Roxana Mehran, who is director of interventional cardiovascular research and clinical trials at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said: "The decrease in median door-to-balloon time in recent years has not resulted in a reduction in mortality in STEMI patients. 
"This study highlights the need to reconsider the role of door-to-balloon as a performance metric and examine the utility of a broader metric of systems delay such as first medical contact to balloon time as well as total ischemic time."
The study’s authors have urged doctors to look at the associated signs and symptoms of the onset of a loss of blood flow. 
MEDICAL WARNING: Can YOU spot the signs of a heart attack?
Getting treated within two hours increases chance of survival and full recovery
The British Heart Foundation say the symptoms of a heart attack may include tightness, heaviness or pain in your chest, that can spread to your arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach. 
The severity of this tightness varies from person to person. The NHS stress that not everyone experiences severe chest pain; the pain can often be mild and mistaken for indigestion. 
As well as chest pain or discomfort, you may become sweaty, feel light-headed, weak or dizzy, or become short of breath.
You may also feel nauseous or vomit.
The BHF advise calling 999 immediately for an ambulance if you suspect you are having a heart attack.

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