Dear Santa, please settle my tum: How to avoid acid reflux this Christmas
Indigestion and acid reflux can be a good indicator to rein in the indulgencies
STRESS, alcohol and too much rich food is the optimal blend for triggering a bout of indigestion or acid reflux.
With families thrown together (and nerves often jangled) and food and drink on tap, an attack is almost as predictable during the festive period as re-runs of Morecambe and Wise. 
“Indigestion and acid reflux are particular problems at Christmas, when a steady stream of food and drink is laid out to tempt us,” says GP Dawn Harper. 
Food and drink that’s especially rich, that is, and often consumed late into the night. Don’t worry about the occasional attack though – while uncomfortable, it’s unlikely to do any real harm. 
But indigestion and acid reflux can be a good indicator that you need to keep calm and rein in the indulgences. 
Indigestion and acid reflux are particular problems at Christmas
Dawn Harper, GP
So what’s the difference? 
Acid reflux is a condition rather than a symptom. It is caused by acid flowing back up from the stomach into the oesophagus. It causes an unpleasant taste in the back of the throat or mouth and may present with any of the symptoms of indigestion listed below. Indigestion is a symptom or a collection of symptoms. 
It can present as pain or discomfort in the stomach (dyspepsia), a burning pain or discomfort behind the breastbone (heartburn), nausea, bloating, flatulence and/or belching. 
It is often a side effect of overeating, eating rich, spicy or fatty foods or drinking too much alcohol and can be a symptom of acid reflux.
When to get it checked 
One in five of us suffers from acid reflux at least once a week, according to NHS figures, while one in 10 suffers on a daily basis. 
Dear Santa, please settle my tum: How to avoid acid reflux this Christmas
Consult your GP if symptoms persist for two or three weeks
This more frequent type of attack is a condition known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease which generally requires medication to treat it rather than dietary changes alone. 
“Most of us will experience indigestion or acid reflux at some point but if symptoms persist for two or three weeks, it’s important to seek medical advice to obtain a diagnosis,” explains Dawn. 
Your GP will check for any underlying health issues and may refer you for tests such as an endoscopy: a thin, flexible tube with a camera at the end is lowered down the throat into the stomach to assess what’s going on. This helps to rule out or diagnose serious conditions such as oesophageal cancer.
“Eating fatty foods, eating late and drinking certain types of alcohol such as very acidic white wine and spirits to excess can paint-strip your stomach lining,” warns Dr Jeremy Sanderson, consultant gastroenterologist at Guy’s And St Thomas’ Hospital in London. 
“An endoscopy will reveal this damage and the chances of you going on to develop cancer.” 
The long-term effect
Over a long period, the acid that comes back up from the stomach irritates the lining of the oesophagus, which can cause cell changes (Barrett’s oesophagus) that sometimes lead to oesophageal cancer. Worryingly, those who are most at risk are usually uncomplaining. 
“A lot of men with acid reflux trundle along for years without seeking medical advice,” says Dr Sanderson. 
Watch your weight 
A study by Cancer Research UK estimated that being overweight or obese causes more than one in four oesophageal cancers in men and more than one in 10 in women. 
Dear Santa, please settle my tum: How to avoid acid reflux this Christmas
US President Barack Obama is rumoured to have acid reflux
This is possibly because obesity increases the risk of suffering from acid reflux due to the pressure on the stomach. 
And your stress levels 
As well as diet triggers, stress is a contributory factor – no surprise then that US Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama are all rumoured to have suffered acid reflux. 
For those of us not running a country, stress can affect our food choices and lead us to become overweight – so the vicious circle continues. 
• A full version of this article appears in the December edition of Healthy Food Guide, which is on sale now. Or visit

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