Woman has whopping TWELVE LITRES of fat drained from her legs
A woman has spoken of having her legs drained of fat

A WOMAN has revealed how she got her life back after having a whopping 12 litres of fat sucked from her legs.
Faye Rodgers-Harris has battled with her weight for more than 30 years, carrying most of her weight on her bottom half. 
The 40-year-old shed an impressive 10 stone but couldn't' manage to lose the fat off her thighs and calves, despite her best efforts. 
Solihul-born Faye went to have 5lbs of excess skin removed by plastic surgeon, Anne Dancey, based at Spire Parkway Hospital, when she was diagnosed with lipoedema. 
It's a condition meaning fat is piled onto the legs and arms rather than anywhere else on the body. 
Woman has whopping TWELVE LITRES of fat drained from her legs
BEFORE: Faye's legs before the surgery were rather large, no matter how much exercise she did
Speaking about her condition, she said: "My legs were so big they would rub together from the top of the inner thigh down to the knee and would be so sore it was to the point of bleeding.
"No matter what I did to try and help, they just seemed to get fatter. Shopping for clothes was a complete nightmare.
"I became deeply depressed about my appearance, especially my arms and legs and in turn I gained more and more weight until I got to almost 23 stone."
After her condition was discovered, the surgeon told Faye it really was an extreme case - but it could possibly be treated with liposuction. 
Woman has whopping TWELVE LITRES of fat drained from her legs
AFTER: Her legs look simply incredible now, with tone and definition
She said: "Where the tuck surgery was carried out, the bruising and scars I have are unbelievable, but it was worth all the pain.
"Now, for the first time in years, I am happy and content with the way I look, even though my family said they would love me whatever I weighed and what I looked like."
Anne Dancey, a plastic surgeon at Spire Parkway Hospital in Solihull, said: "As soon as I saw Faye I knew she was suffering from lipoedema - a condition that often goes undiagnosed or blamed on weight gain and I am really working to make people much more aware of it.
"In cases like this it is essential that liposuction is carried out in hospital and under the highest clinical standards."
She added: "It is not just the actual liposuction, it is also the aftercare that is vitally important. Normally I would start with liposuction below the knee and then progress to the thighs in a subsequent procedure.
"It wasn't until her thighs had been corrected that Faye really appreciated how bad her lower legs were - she then decided to proceed with liposuction to this area."
Faye added: "Anne told me it was an extreme case but it could be treated with liposuction, and I can't tell you how that made me feel.
"I had just given up all hope of my legs ever being a normal size, and although I knew it would be a painful process, I just knew I had to go for it."

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