Are walnuts the key to preventing a FATAL heart attack?
A heart attack could be prevented by walnuts
WHO knew nuts would save lives - but it would seem the tree-grown snacks could actually prevent a heart attack.
A study published in America has revealed two handfuls of walnuts a day could help stave off heart disease. 
The snack has long been hailed as a health alternative to other fatty bites including crisps, but who knew they could be life saving? 
Studies have also shown the tree nuts - packed to the rafters with important nutrients including unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins and minerals - can reduce total cholesterol. 
They're also said to be great for reducing inflammation and improving arterial function; these ailments are major contributors to heart disease.

Are walnuts the key to preventing a FATAL heart attack?
The nuts are said to be great for reducing inflammation

Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Dr Michael Falk's study could well be life-changing for thousands of Brits. 
Speaking about the research, Dr Falk said: "Our study results further support the growing body of research that tree nuts, such as walnuts, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
"Tree nuts contain important nutrients. Walnuts are the only nut that provide a significant amount - 2.5g per one ounce serving - of alpha-linolenic (ALA), the plant-based form of omega-3."
More than twenty years of in-depth research has shown walnuts - alongside other tree nuts - may help lower cardiovascular risk factors by decreasing LDL (the 'bad' cholesterol) by up to 16 per cent. 

Are walnuts the key to preventing a FATAL heart attack?
This new research could be life-saving for thousands of Brits

In our health-conscious society we're only too aware of all the conditions raising the risk of heart attack - but what is a heart attack?
Dr Sarah Glynne - who found fame on Channel 5's new show GPs: Behind Closed Doors - talks us through every detail of the fatal coronary event. 
A heart attack (myocardial infarction) occurs when there is a sudden blockage, usually caused by a blood clot, in one of the coronary arteries that supplies the heart muscle with oxygen. The affected muscle infarcts or dies and is replaced by scar tissue.
The extent of the damage depends on the size of the area affected; if a small branch artery is blocked then only a small area of heart muscle dies. However, if a main artery is blocked, then a large area of muscle dies.
The scar tissue does not work as well as the normal heart muscle and so the prognosis is worse after a large heart attack.

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