It’s always an ‘accident’ when you’re caught with your friend’s partner!
Is there any plausible reason why a supposed best friend sleeps with her friend’s partner? When Jennifer found herself in what she termed an ‘embarrassing’ betrayal of her best friend, she justified her action by trying to convince friends she never planned to seduce Chris, her friend’s fiance of two years. “Timi and I had been best friends when we were both in secondary school,” explained Jennifer. “But after we went to different universities, we’d lost touch only to link up over ten years later through a mutual friend.
“We picked up from where we left off especially since we were both back in Lagos. We exchanged details of our boyfriends, I told her Kola, my current boyfriend, and I had been together for close to five years. We broke off briefly because of his excessive jealousy but got back together again when he promised to behave. Chris and Timi had been an item for two years and when we all met up, we clicked.
“A few months later, Timi invited Kola and I for a night-out and we had such a nice time we ended up in Chris’ place. Kola had to leave to go to work as he was on night duty. The rest of us drank and chatted into the night, until Timi left for her place so she could wake up early to go to work. She trusted me completely with her man – that is how close we were. After she left, Chris and I moved closer to one another on the sofa, and our conversation became deeper. ‘I really feel I’d known you all my life and could open up to you,’ whispered Chris. Then, he leant forward and kissed me. Remember we were both drunk at this time and I snagged him back. Fuelled by lust, we moved to the bedroom where we had mind-blowing sex. I knew it was wrong, but it was so much fun I didn’t care. I fell asleep in his arms.
“The next day, I woke up to a blinding headache. Then a figure stirred beside me and I suddenly remembered in whose bed I was. I winced with guilt as all we did the previous night came flooding back to me. I told Chris what happened was a mistake and it shouldn’t happen again. He was silent for a while then agreed. ‘I feel awful, and guilty’, he said. We sat talking, trying to make sense of the night before and what we were going to do. We agreed it was to be a one off – no repeat performance.
“While we were talking, I noticed I had some face-book messages. Timi had posted a status, stating only God could punish women who betray their loved ones. How could he know what happened the night before? ‘I’m in hot soup,’ Chris whined, looking really frantic.
“We lay down on his bed, thinking about the best way to deal with the situation. Only, at some point, we must have drifted off because it was early evening when I woke up. Still feeling remorseful, I headed to the bathroom to splash water on my face. I’d never felt more ashamed of myself. As I dried my face, I felt this almighty crash coming from the kitchen door. I ran out to see what the commotion was all about when I came face to face with Timi! His eyes were wild and knowing how violent he could be, I ran back to the toilet. But he ignored me and marched straight to the bedroom where Chris was. The poor man was no match for Timi’s rage.
“As he pummelled poor Chris, I became hysterical. I tried to come between them but he threw me to the ground as if I were a rag doll. I stumbled next door and began hammering on Chris’ neighbour’s door, yelling ‘somebody help me please.’ A few of the neighbours intervened and held Timi whilst the police was called. Poor Chris was whimpering in a corner of the bedroom. The three of us were then taken to the police station.
“It was there I found out that the morning after we’d cheated and we were having that remorseful conversation, my sensitive mobile had accidentally dialled Ttmi’s number from inside my pocket since his was the last number I called before the incident. He’d overheard us talking about sleeping together. Furious, he’d called Jenny, asking her to meet him at Chris’ place and telling her what we’d done. But Jenny had declined, as far as she was concerned, both of us were dead to her.
“Poor Chris was badly beaten up but he refused to press charges, leaving Timi to deal with the policemen. He was locked up for a few hours until his friends ‘settled’ the problem with the police. I haven’t seen Jenny since then and I’m sure I would be the last person she’d want to call a friend. I sent her a lengthy text to explain what had happened and to apologise. But she replied telling me what to do with my apologies – she never wanted to see me again.
“And I don’t blame her. What happened between Chris and I that fateful night happens all the time. We were just unlucky to get caught. And we paid dearly for it.”

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