A cure for acne - the answer's growing in YOUR local park for free
A woman with acne has revealed her miracle cure
A WOMAN has revealed what could be the next big cure for acne - and it's growing in the hedgerows of Britain.
Julie Luu battled severe acne for more than a decade and believes it was cured by dandelions. 
The 28-year-old from Dagenham, Essex, suffered with the condition since the age of 14 with angry spots, redness, dryness and flakiness.
After years of traditional medicines making her skin worse, she began drinking herbal Chinese medicine daily - the ingredients of which include extracts of dandelion, mulberry root bark, red peony root and rhubarb root.
Within six months, she saw unmistakeable signs of improvement and, although she is not cured completely, her skin is clearer than ever.
A cure for acne - the answer's growing in YOUR local park for free
This before and after shows the affect the dandelions had on her skin
The technological support analyst and fashion and beauty blogger said: "You flick through magazines and every page has people with flawless skin and you think, 'why is mine not the same? Why is this happening to me?'
"You do feel ugly, like you're not as pretty as every one else. It knocks your confidence. There are people who wake up with clear skin and I wake up with more spots.
"Now, when I go out I'm not scared to not wear make-up. You have to be comfortable in your own skin.
"If you can say, 'Yes I have acne, I have spots, I have good days and bad days' you are on the road to helping your acne. I try and be as happy as I can because that helps my skin."
Julie adapted her diet too, cutting out junk food, dairy and tomatoes – all of which made her skin worse – as well as reducing sugar.
A cure for acne - the answer's growing in YOUR local park for free
Julie is keen to show off her impressively smooth new skin
Miss Luu explained that when she was younger, she never cared about her spots as she expected them as a teenager, but when she became an adult and started to work, it began to affect her confidence, often leaving her wondering if people were staring at her.
She said: "It's not normal at 25 or 26 to keep having acne. I realised something needed to be done.
"Now when I look at pictures of me I think: 'wow, it's made a big difference,' and I wake up in the morning and feel a lot more positive. I look in the mirror now and feel confident."
Miss Luu said she was never the target of cruel comments, but that the worries were all in her head.
She now blogs and tweets skin advice to other acne sufferers as a reassurance that there are others in the same position, and to let them know they should still feel beautiful.
For more information and advice on acne, visit www.britishskinfoundation.org.uk

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