Pele sticks the boot into Mourinho by claiming he'd rather play for Arsenal than Chelsea
Pele admitted he would rather play for Wenger's Arsenal than Mourinho's Chelsea
ARSENE WENGER claimed that there were no "strikers from heaven" to put the finishing touches on his Arsenal squad to turn them into title contenders.
Yet, in the Halcyon Gallery, New Bond Street, less than five miles from the Emirates, a three-time World Cup winner with more than 1,000 goals to his name was declaring his allegiances to the Gunners.
Initially, he would not be drawn on whether he would prefer to play for the Frenchman or for rival Jose Mourinho. But when pushed he came clean.
"Arsenal is a good team to play for," said Pele. "I like the teams that play open football. Today it is difficult to decide which teams play that way.
"Barcelona are the closest in style to Santos and are almost the same style as Brazil in 1970.
"Between Chelsea and Arsenal? I would play for Arsenal. Do you think I still have a chance?" He may now be 75, but he's still Pele. The same spry mischief that used to live in his feet now flashes from his eyes at the prospect.
He saddens, though, when the subject of Diego Costa is brought up.
"That is not a good message for children," he said "But I don't think he always used to play like that. Everybody is allowed to make one mistake but It is not good for football and it is not good for him.
"He didn't get a red card, but he was charged. It was dirty. Unfortunately so many things like this happen on the pitch and this is not good. That's clear. It is not good for football." 
Pele: Art, Life, Football, an exhibition of art inspired by Pele to celebrate his 75th birthday, opens on September 26 at Halcyon Gallery, London and includes work from Andy Warhol, Lorenzo Quinn and Mitch Griffiths.

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