Nine things YOU can do to prevent cancer: No red meat, no diet supplements & NO junk food
The World Cancer Research Fund International has released nine points to a healthy life
CANCER is a scary disease that affects nearly one in three Britons - but what if we could prevent it?
The World Cancer Research Fund has revealed 84,000 cases of the disease could be prevented a year if we, as a nation, followed a set of simple rules. 
In 2013, 351,578 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in Britain - this was up from 340,000 in 2012.
Simple things including weight loss, more exercise and cutting back on drinking could help to prevent the disease. 
Writing on their website, the WCRFI claim: "Our analysis of global research shows that about a third of the most common cancers are preventable through a nutritious diet, maintaining a healthy weight and regular physical activity."
Nine things YOU can do to prevent cancer: No red meat, no diet supplements & NO junk food
It's said 84,000 cases of the disease could be prevented a year
Body fatness: Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight
The advice from the government is to keep your body mass index between 21 and 23 (for an average adult). 
In actual fact, WCRFI recommend keeping the BMI at the lower end of the normal scale, given by the government. 
Weight gain, specifically around the waist, is dangerous and keeping this to a minimum is said to reduce the chance of falling seriously ill. 
Physical activity: Be physically active as part of everyday life
Part of keeping your weight health and normal will involve leading an active lifestyle, so it should come as no surprise this will include exercise. 
Being physically active - such as taking a 30 minute walk every day - will improve fitness and overall health tenfold. 
Just half an hour can make all the difference when it comes to being fit and healthy. 
Foods & drinks that promote weight gain: Limit consumption of energy-dense foods & avoid sugary drinks
The WCRFI talks a lot about limiting your intake of 'energy-dense foods' - but what are these? It's food stuffs with a high number of calories per gram of food. 
So takeaways, fast-food, sugary drinks - all these should be avoided if we're to lead a perfectly health lifestyle. 
This isn't to say avoid them forever, but steering clear of regularly eating takeaways will help your health and, in turn, help your fitness. 
Plant foods: Eat mostly foods of plant origin
Eating a varied diet of non-starchy vegetables and fruits every day can help boost your immune system and overall health. 
Tomatoes, garlic - you name it - are foods low in energy density and thus promote healthy weight. 
It's that vicious cycle of a healthy weight meaning a healthy mind, and a healthy mind leading to a healthy body. 
Nine things YOU can do to prevent cancer: No red meat, no diet supplements & NO junk food
Being as lean as possible without becoming underweight is part of a healthy lifestyle
Animal foods: Limit intake of red meat & avoid processed meat
Being healthy and making a conscious effort not to eat badly also means keeping an eye on your red meat intake. 
'Red meat' refers to beef, pork, lamb, and goat from domesticated animals including that contained in processed foods.
And while we're at it, try to eat less processed meat: products involved in smoking, curing or salting, or addition of chemical preservatives, including that contained in processed foods
Alcoholic drinks: Limit alcoholic drinks
We all know alcohol isn't great for our health, but as a nation we're obsessed with drinking to relax, de-stress and enjoy ourselves. 
It's recommended - to lead a healthy lifestyle - just two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women.
It's the government's aim to reduce the proportion of the population drinking more than the recommended limits by one third every 10 years - could we be on track for that? 
Nine things YOU can do to prevent cancer: No red meat, no diet supplements & NO junk food
The WCRFI suggests limiting the intake of red meat & avoid processed meat
Preservation, processing & preparation: Limit consumption of salt & avoid mouldy cereals or pulses
Salt has long been used to help preserve meat but the addition of this mineral to foods is harming our health. 
The WCRFI has recommended the nation limit the consumption of processed foods with added salt to ensure an intake of less than 6g. 
Dietary supplements: Aim to meet your nutritional needs through diet alone.
While taking pills to boost your vitamin intake might seem like a great idea, it's not a replacement for getting those vitamins in food. 
The advice is not to use supplements to protect against cancer - aim to meet your nutritional needs through diet alone.
Breastfeeding: Mothers to breastfeed; children to be breastfed
It is best for mothers to breastfeed exclusively for up to six months and then add other liquids & foods to a child's diet. 
This is because breastfeeding protects both mother and child - a statement in accordance with UN Global Strategy on Infant and Young Child Feeding. 

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