Would YOU breastfeed another woman's baby? New trend for wet nursing hits Britain
A trend for wet nursing has hit Britain and a debate has been sparked
WET nursing isn't often discussed but it would seem breastfeeding another woman's child is a trend that's coming back.
For those who don't know, a wet nurse is a woman who breastfeeds and cares for another's child. And, while this might seem uncommon, it's a topic of discussion this week. 

The conversations arose when pictures of 26-year-old mother Jessica Anne Colletti breastfeeding her son and a friend’s child at the same time went viral earlier this week. 
Netmums - a website created especially for women with children - have conducted a survey into wet nursing. 
Surprisingly they found one in 25 British mums are already wet nursing a friend or relative’s baby. The survey revealed two in five people would breastfeed a stranger’s tot.

Would YOU breastfeed another woman's baby? New trend for wet nursing hits Britain
One in 25 British mums are already wet nursing a friend or relative’s baby
Two thousands mothers were quizzed on the topic of breastfeeding and wet nursing and, would you believe, a whopping one in seven agreed that wet nursing was the next best thing after breastfeeding your own child. 
Victoria Bellamy, creator of the Bennu Babies breastfeeding pillow, explained: "I think it's brilliant for babies around the world. If a mother isn't able to breastfeed herself it could be the second best thing for their child to be wet nursed.
"Personally I would like to know the mother's lifestyle, health and diet before I allowed her to wet nurse my baby so it's probably common to wet nurse amongst friends, something I haven't experienced."
Netmums editor in chief Anne-Marie O’Leary has spoken about milk sharing, an alternative for those who can't breastfeed or wet nurse. 
She said: “Milksharing is the ultimate milk of human kindness. 
"In a world where almost everything is now commercialised, it’s wonderful to see families coming together to help and support each other for free."
She added: "Everyone involved - from the mums donating milk to those running the sites - give their time and effort without charge to ensure babies get a healthy start in life. 
"The trend may be new but it’s already touching people’s lives and making a significant difference which will last the families it helps forever."

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