UNBELIEVABLE: 10 incredible things you can do with water that will impress EVERYONE
Here's 10 top tricks to perform with water
FROM starting a fire to making objects disappear – here's 10 top tricks to perform with liquid.
The secret power of water has been revealed in a fabulous YouTube video.
The science team at brusspup have put together 10 simple tricks that can be performed with water and other liquids, such as honey, alcohol and glycerin.
This watery wizardry includes starting a fire with a bottle of water, making objects vanish and changing words and pictures via the reverse illusion trick.
Mixing hot and cold water can also create a bit of magic with the 'Water Barrier' illusion.
To perform this you'll need two identical glasses, hot water, cold water, food colouring and a thin piece of plastic or cardboard.
UNBELIEVABLE: 10 incredible things you can do with water that will impress EVERYONE
Mixing hot and cold water can also create a bit of magic with the 'Water Barrier
Pour the hot water in one glass, the cold in the other glass, add food colouring, then place the plastic on top of the hot water glass.
Turn the glass upside down, place it on top of the cold water glass, then carefully remove the plastic.
Hot water is less dense than cold water, so it "floats" on top of the cold water.
Another bit of liquid trickery revealed in the video is the 'No-leak magic bag'.
To perform this stunt all you need is a plastic bag with zip, some sharp pencils and water.
Fill the bag almost to the top, zip it shut, and then simply push the pencils through the bag.
According to the team at Brusspup, the impressive trick works with only a few drops leaking out of the bag, (we suggest you test it over the sink).
So, if you're feeling a bit bored over the bank holiday weekend, then give these fascinating tricks a try.

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