Struggling to get pregnant? New earphone could be MIRACLE cure to help women conceive
This new Yono earphone could help women get pregnant
FERTILITY is an issue rarely discussed by women struggling to have a baby but this could be the key to helping.
A wearable device that monitors body temperature can help reveal the best time to conceive. 

The Yono device - currently priced at £64 -  monitors the basal body temperature through the wearer's ear. The temperature increases ever so slightly in the days before being most fertile. 
The gadget takes the wearer's temperature 70 times a night, recording the data before sending it via bluetooth to the app in the morning. 
Tracking ovulation cycles in the most scientific way possible at home, it's thought the product is something of a breakthrough for women struggling to conceive. 
It was designed by Vanessa Xi, a Stanford University graduate, who was trying to  conceive herself.
Struggling to get pregnant? New earphone could be MIRACLE cure to help women conceive
The tiny little gadget measures a woman's basal temperature

Struggling to get pregnant? New earphone could be MIRACLE cure to help women conceive
For women trying to conceive this could be a miracle cure
Going to her doctor, she was asked her to measure BBT data daily which was no easy feat. Until now, that is.
A Kickstarter campaign to commercialise Ms Xi's product has already raised $20,250 towards its $30,000 goal - and the company is expected to ship its device around the world from December. 
The subject of the 'female body clock' seems to be a popular topic of conversation of late - but do we, as a nation, really know the facts?
Scaremongering has begun, with some publications telling women they need to start considering having a family when they're 27.
Should women feel pressured into having a baby before they turn 30? 
Dr Geeta Nargund - Medical Director, CREATE Fertility - told "A woman's eggs decline in quantity and quality as she gets older. 
"This decline affects her fertility as there are fewer and older eggs which reduce her chances of conceiving naturally and also increase chances of miscarriages.
"The reduction in egg numbers is really sharp after the age of 37.5. A mathematical model has shown than women could lose up to two eggs per ovary per day after this age."

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