Goonies house owner tells fans to 'Truffle Shuffle off' after THOUSANDS besiege property
Chunk does the truffle shuffle in The Goonies
THE OWNER of The Goonies house has closed the property, sick of thousands of fans turning up daily to do Chunk's famous 'truffle shuffle.'
Over one thousand fans turn up EVERY day hoping to recreate the classic scene from the beloved film.
But now the owner of the house in Astoria, Oregon, has had enough.
New arivals will find the house used in Chris Columbus' 1985 film covered in blue tarpaulin with signs warning people to stay away.
“I’m surprised that she waited this long,” said neighbour and Astoria City councilman Russ Warr.
“They park on the ‘no-parking’ zones, they park on the sidewalks, they relieve their dogs on their lawns.”
Some fans also arrive late at night and camp outside noisily, leaving beer bottles and refuse when they depart. 
Local news station KGW reported that the owner has closed the famous house to visitors, after enduring more than a decade of daily harassment.
A new sign outside the property explains her frustration and upset with the escalating situation.
“Imagine that you buy a house, fix it up, spend money, time and love," the sign reads.
"Then the city of Astoria encourages 100,000’s of people to come and stand in front and view it.
“This driveway (maintained by homeowners) sees 1,000-plus people every day. Most are kind, fun and welcome, but many are not.”
The 30th anniversary Goonies celebrations only worsened the attention to the picturesque white property.
Visitors are drawn to the house from all over the world to recreate the famous scene when Jeff Cohen's tubby Chunk is forced by his friends to lift his shirt and perform the iconic 'truffle shuffle' to get in.
KGW found that in the last few days fans had come from as far away as Italy.
It may be three decades since the action comedy's release but interest is unlikely to fall, after tantalising new reports started to appear about a new fiilm.
Director Chris Columbus recently announced that he was “heavily developing” a Goonies reboot, alongside a revival of another of his classic 1980s movies, Gremlins.
Looks like the 'truffle shuffle' isn't going anywhere, just yet.

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