Exclusive: Jack Wilshere gives Arsenal a huge fitness boost after successful Dubai trip
Jack Wilshere is expected back in action in a matter of weeks
JACK WILSHERE looks set to return to Arsenal in weeks rather than months after he was sent to Dubai for a relaxing sunshine break to help speed along the recovery of his leg injury.
The England midfielder was rewarded by Arsenal with the trip after he showed signs that his left fibula injury is healing faster than was initially feared.
The hairline crack picked up in the final days of pre-season ahead of the Community Shield earlier this month could have ruled him out for as long as three months if surgery had been necessary.
However, with rest the only other possible cure, Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger sent him away to get some sunshine and relaxation in the hope that is further aids the healing process.
Wilshere is due to return to England in the next 24 hours and the club are at pains not to set a specific timescale because they do not want to put any extra pressure on a player who has suffered more than his fair share of injury set-backs over the past couple of seasons.
The acid test will come when he starts to try to use the leg again upon his return to Colney, but the hope is that he could be action in weeks rather than months.
England’s forthcoming international double-header against San Marino and Switzerland may prove too soon but with Arsenal’s Champions League campaign due to get underway immediately after, the timing could be perfect as the fixture list begins to clog up again.

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