WOMEN in their forties are putting their health at risk by thinking cancer is a young disease, new research has warned.

Older women’s shocking lack of knowledge on cervical cancer is putting lives at risk
Older women aren't aware of cervical cancer risks, says research
One in five new cervical cancer cases are diagnosed in women in their sixties, but those aged 40-64 still know very little about the disease and its causes - and this perceived knowledge gap could be putting women’s health at risk.
The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the cause of around 99.7 per cent of cervical cancers and increased exposure to high-risk strains of the virus (HR-HPV) in 40-something women means cases in the 60+ age group are on the rise. 
The virus can take 10 or more years to present as cervical abnormalities.
New research has found that 60 per cent of 40-64 year olds have no idea what HPV is. 
When asked how they could avoid catching the virus, 15 per cent of 40-64 year old women shockingly stated washing after sex could stop the spread.
Older women’s shocking lack of knowledge on cervical cancer is putting lives at risk
Women aren't aware of HPV and risk to their age group, reveals study
HPV is an extremely common virus that is spread through sexual contact including vaginal, oral and anal sex.
Leading UK gynaecologist, Jullien Brady, said: “Social changes such as higher divorce rates, new relationships and a more liberal attitude to sex mean women over 40 are being exposed to the HPV virus more than ever.
“Many women aren’t aware that the HPV virus can be transmitted through sexual activity even when using protection. HPV can be spread via skin to skin genital contact, penetrative sex and even by using sex toys.
“Cervical cancer is often considered a ‘young women’s’ disease, and many women over 40 wrongly believe they no longer need to participate in cervical screening.
Older women’s shocking lack of knowledge on cervical cancer is putting lives at risk
Many older women are reportedly embarrassed to go for a smear test
“The HPV virus can lay dormant for years and if women go through a divorce, start dating and have new partners in their 40s, they expose themselves to HPV again and if high risk strains are present, this can turn into cervical cancer 10 to 15 years down the line, so it is important to keep screening.”
Despite a well-respected cervical cancer screening programme, one in four women still shun screening of one of the only preventable cancers.
NHS statistics released in December 2015 revealed the largest decline in attendance at cervical screening was amongst women aged 40-54. According to the new GynaeHealth UK research, pain and embarrassment were the main barriers to smear tests. 
Seventy per cent said it was uncomfortable - and one in 10 claimed the experience was traumatic.
Mr Brady adds: “The obstacles to screening aren’t always due to lifestyle factors such as struggling to find time or being unable to fit appointments around work – which many younger women cite as the reason they delay or skip cervical screening. 
Older women’s shocking lack of knowledge on cervical cancer is putting lives at risk
Health experts say the most effective way to reduce risk is through screening
“For many 40+ women there are also physical barriers including menopausal symptoms like vaginal dryness that cause women to shy away from screening.”
Robert Music, chief executive of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust said: “HPV is a very common virus and while in most cases it will be cleared by the immune system, persistent HPV infection is the main cause of cervical abnormalities that if left untreated can lead to cervical cancer. The best way of reducing one’s risk of cervical cancer is to attend cervical screening promptly whilst eligible and we want to encourage more women to take up their screening invitation.
Whilst cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women under 35, it affects women of all ages and we are particularly concerned that women over the age of 50 are delaying or not attending screening as this may increase their chances of not only a diagnosis after they have left the programme, but a later stage diagnosis with a poorer outlook."
NHS screening starts at the age of 25 and women are invited to screen every three years until the of 45, when women are invited every five years until the age of 64.

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