NEW research has highlighted the lonely plight of dementia sufferers.
More than TWO THIRDS of people living with dementia feel isolated
Research has revealed more than two thirds of dementia sufferers experience isolation
Two thirds of people living with dementia feel isolated from family and friends following a diagnosis, research from the Alzheimer’s Society has revealed.
The study also discovered just under half of people with dementia still benefit greaty from seeing loved ones they no longer recognise. – though many mistakenly believe once a person with dementia stops recognising loved ones, they don’t benefit that much from spending time with them. 
Today, the Alzheimer’s Society is calling on people to make a positive New Year’s resolution to spend time with people with dementia and help them take part in activities they enjoy to keep connected.
More than TWO THIRDS of people living with dementia feel isolated
Despite it being important for their care, dementia sufferers don't get the support they need
As the condition progresses, many with dementia may find it difficult to recognise faces of friends and family members, but will still hold an "emotional memory" which means they continue to feel happy long after a visit or experience that they may have forgotten. 
Spending time with loved ones is important because it can stimulate feelings of familiarity, happiness, comfort and security. Staying connected and taking part in activities helps a person with dementia feel less isolated.
The survey of people affected by dementia found that more than half of people with the condition were no longer taking part in any – or hardly any – social activities. 
Almost half said what would help most to stay connected is seeing family and friends more often, and having someone to help them take part in activities and hobbies.
More than TWO THIRDS of people living with dementia feel isolated
Alzheimer's UK advise people to engage and look after loved ones suffering from dementia
A third of the general public said being unable to recognise close friends and family would make them feel most isolated, ahead of a divorce or relationship breakdowns. 
Positively, over two thirds said they would still visit someone with dementia who no longer recognised them, either just as much or even more often than they do now. 
Despite these good intentions, the lack of awareness of how important emotional memory is may mean that in their busy lives, people don’t always follow up on their intentions and more than half of those living with dementia are left feeling isolated.
More than TWO THIRDS of people living with dementia feel isolated
The survey found that over half of people with the condition are no longer taking part in activities
Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive of the Alzheimer’s Society, said: “After spending time with friends and family over the festive period, New Year can be a bleak and lonely time for people with dementia and their carers. It’s so important for people with dementia to feel connected throughout the year. Spending time with loved ones and taking part in meaningful activities can have a powerful and positive impact, even if they don’t remember the event itself. We’re urging people to get in touch with us and find out how we can help you stay connected.”
Veronica Devas from Dorset cares for her husband Christopher Devas.
Mrs Devas said: “When we have lunch with friends, Christopher might not say much and be a bit unresponsive but he will always be in really good spirits afterwards and say how much he’s enjoyed it. It’s really important to both of us that we stay in touch with our close friends and family. Alzheimer’s Society provides many services for people to get out into the community and keep involved, and they have been a huge support to us all.”

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