EXCESS iron in your brain might be harming your health, study finds.

How excess iron damages the brain and contributes to Parkinson’s disease
Iron levels have long been associated with PD, but this study looked at how
It’s long been known large amounts of the mineral are found in the brains of patients with Parkinson’s, but it’s true effects have not been clear - now scientists may have unveiled the answer.
Researchers at the Buck Institute for Research on Ageing discovered that excess iron damages neurons in the brain by impairing structures called lysosome which repair damage.
This process has been proven to play a role in ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.
How excess iron damages the brain and contributes to Parkinson’s disease
Inner workings of a human cell: Lysosomes are intrinsic in repairing damage
As we get older, this rebuilding slows down and causes “garbage” to build up inside cells and creates toxic stress.
Senior scientist Julie K Andersen said: “It's recently been realised that one of the most important functions of the lysosome is to store iron in a place in the cell where it is not accessible to participate in toxic oxidative stress-producing reactions. 
"Now we have demonstrated that a mutation in a lysosomal gene results in the toxic release of iron into the cell resulting in neuronal cell death."
How excess iron damages the brain and contributes to Parkinson’s disease
As we get older the rebuilding slows down and impairs brain activity
She added: “This suggests that age-related impairments in lysosomal function that impact the ability of neurons to maintain a healthy balance of iron are part of what underlies the presentation of PD in the general population.”
Dr Andersen has a long-standing interest in the role of excess iron and Parkinson’s disease. 
In a previous study, she showed tying up excess iron with a metal chelator protected mice from the ravaging effects of the well-known Parkinson's inducing toxin, MPTP.
How excess iron damages the brain and contributes to Parkinson’s disease
Left right connections in a brain with Parkinson's
Findings were published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
In the UK around 1 in 500 are affected by Parkinson’s disease. 
Every hour, someone in the UK is told they have the degenerative condition, according to Parkinson’s UK.

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