HOME owners who want to buy a property from a smoker could increase their risk of cancer through exposure to THIRD-HAND smoke, a new study has suggested.
HEALTH WARNING: New home owners could be at risk from THIRD-HAND smoke
Third-hand smoke is almost impossible to get rid of, scientists have said
Scientists have found that toxic chemicals from third-hand smoke could be lingering in properties long after a smoker has left.
And simple cleaning was ruled to be ineffective in banishing the chemicals, which were found in the study to be almost impossible to remove from carpets, curtains and walls.
While the levels of chemicals "may be quite low in third-hand smoke" scientists suggested they could become "dangerous when you have chronic exposure".
Worryingly for parents, they added that youngsters who are prone to putting things in their mouth could be most at risk from of exposure.
HEALTH WARNING: New home owners could be at risk from THIRD-HAND smoke
Third-hand smoke could be absorbed into almost any porous surface
Researchers said third-hand smoke could be absorbed into almost any porous surface, The Telegraph reported, which can then leak out over time around unsuspecting families.
Dr Georg Matt, a psychologist from San Diego State University in the US who has studied third-hand smoke for 20 years, said: “Homes become reservoirs of tobacco smoke pollutants.
The levels of these chemicals may be quite low in third-hand smoke residue, but they are dangerous when you have chronic exposure
Dr Eunha Hoh
“These volatile compounds soak into the drywall. Gypsum is like a bottomless pit for these toxins. Carpets are tremendous reservoirs."
The latest health warning came following a study of third-hand smoke in different environments.
Dr Eunha Hoh, an environmental chemist, said: "Cigarette smoke is known to contain thousands of chemicals, and these chemicals get deposited onto surfaces.
"A great many of them are known to be toxic and carcinogenic.
"The levels of these chemicals may be quite low in third-hand smoke residue, but they are dangerous when you have chronic exposure."
HEALTH WARNING: New home owners could be at risk from THIRD-HAND smoke
Toxic chemicals could be lingering in walls, carpets and curtains
HEALTH WARNING: New home owners could be at risk from THIRD-HAND smoke
Homes can become reservoirs of tobacco smoke
The scientists found that compounds could become harmful the longer they linger in the environment.
A link was also discovered between third-hand smoke and the existence of "extremely hazardous" carcinogenic compounds.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are thought to increase cancer risk and can also spark asthma attacks.
Dr Penelope Quintana, an environmental health scientist, said that simple dusting or vacuuming did not get rid of the danger, nor did painting over residue-stained walls.
She said: "We were really surprised by how persistent the contamination is in the home, even months after people have stopped smoking in it."

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