Resistance to last-resort antibiotics spreads WORLDWIDE: Scientists in shock discovery
Bacteria in a gene resistant to antibiotics has spread worldwide
OUR very last line of defence for potentially deadly infections could become obsolete as a gene resistant to antibiotics has spread across the globe, bringing with it a serious public health threat.
Scientists have discovered a bacteria carrying a gene that allows them to be resistant to polymyxins -  known as the ‘last-resort’ antibiotic for many common infections and one that doctors rely on if all else fails - in Denmark AND China.

The discovery means that gram-negative bacteria which causes viruses and infections can now become "pan-resistant" and could become completely INCURABLE.

Gram-negative bacteria include E.coli, Salmonella and legionella, plus sexually transmitted disease, meningitis and respiratory causing bacterias, amongst others.

Antibiotic resistant E.Coli bacteria was discovered by researchers in an intensively farmed pig in Shanghai, China.

It was found that the pig carried a gene called mcr-1 - resistant to the common polymyxin antibiotic colistin - and that the bacterial DNA was easily transferrable.

Scientists then discovered presence of the bug in other livestock, meat and humans.
China is one of the world’s largest users of colistin for agriculture and veterinary use. The demand for colistin in agriculture is expected to reach 12, 000 tonnes by the end of this year.

Writing in The Lancet Infectious Disease Journal, Lead researcher Professor Jian-Hua Liu said: "Our results reveal the emergence of the first polymyxin resistance gene that is readily passed between common bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Klesbsiella pneumoniae, suggesting that the progression from extensive drug resistance to pan-drug resistance is inevitable.”

Worryingly, the superbug isn’t confined to China and has become a worldwide threat.
Scientists at the Danish Technical University soon discovered mcr-1 in one patient and exported poultry, prompting researchers to believe that the gene had travelled across the globe. Denmark has since greatly reduced its levels of antibiotic use in agriculture.

By 2021, it’s predicted that 16, 500 tonnes of collision will be used annually.

The World Health Organisation called for the use of this common livestock antibiotic to be severely reduced, due to its critical importance for the fight against infectious disease in humans.

A recent UK review on antimicrobial resistance, led by Lord O’ Neill, has also called for the immediate reduction of antibiotics in agriculture, suggesting that worldwide limits should be placed on their use over the next 10 years.

To prevent a global threat and spread of antibiotic resistance Lord O’Neill highlighted the need for world leaders to take action and set ambitious targets to lower levels of use

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