EXCLUSIVE: What does DEMENTIA really do to the brain?
What does dementia really do to the brain?
AN ESTIMATED 35.6 million people in the world are living with dementia, but what does the neurological disorder actually do to the mind and body?
From early warning signs to symptoms and treatments, dementia is a widely discussed topic in the media. 
The Alzheimer’s society estimates there are 850,000 people living with the neurological disorder in the UK, and the figure is set to soar to one million by 2025. 
It is generally understood that symptoms of dementia include unusual lapses in memory, such as forgetting the names of family and friends or not being able to perform everyday tasks. 
But what actually happens to the brain to cause this behaviour, and are there any hidden warning signs to watch out for? 
EXCLUSIVE: What does DEMENTIA really do to the brain?
From warning signs to treatments, dementia is a widely discussed topic in the media
In Vascular Dementia we see areas where there may have been a bleed in the brain
Ian Weatherhead, Dementia UK
NewsNewsBlog.blogspot.com spoke exclusively to Senior Admiral Nurse at Dementia UK, Ian Weatherhead, who explained that different types of dementia can cause different changes in the brain. 
Ian said: “With Alzheimer’s Disease we see a build up of plaques and tangles that are caused by proteins in the brain becoming abnormal… This gradually effects most areas of the brain and we see the brain shrinking on scans - we see a deterioration over time. 
“In Vascular Dementia we see areas where there may have been a bleed in the brain perhaps from a stroke, or where one area of the brain has died due to lack of blood supply. 
“In other types of dementia such as Frontotemporal Dementia… we see specific damage in those brain areas.” 
EXCLUSIVE: What does DEMENTIA really do to the brain?
In some cases, dementia can cause physical disabilities as well
In some cases, dementia can cause physical disabilities as well. 
Dr Helen Webberley from Oxford Online Pharmacy said this occurs when the blood clots affect parts of the brain linked to physical movement. 
Speaking exclusively to express.co.uk, she said: “If it is the part of the brain that makes your legs work then we see this as a small stroke affecting that limb function. If it is a part of the brain that affects speech, then the person will have difficulty speaking.
“Different people have different problems with their dementia - again all according to which part of the brain is affected. They may have a clear image of what they want to say, but just can’t find the words to express it. 
“We see amazing cases where the memory is there but the person can’t access it, but a trigger like their favourite singer can affect the brain… and function temporarily resumes.” 
EXCLUSIVE: What does DEMENTIA really do to the brain?
Experts advise anyone who feels their mental function is reducing should contact their GP
Dr Webberley advises anyone who feels their mental function, or that of a family member, is reducing should see their GP. 
She said: “Many people are very scared of being given that awful diagnosis which is full of horror and uncertainty, but there are medicines that can help manage Alzheimer’s disease.
“If we can reduce the risk factors for blood clots and also take blood thinning medication, we can stop the progression of multi-infarct dementia.”  
If you have any questions or concerns about dementia, contact Dementia UK’s Admiral Nursing Direct helpline on 0800 888 6678 or email direct@dementiauk.org to speak to a specialist dementia nurse.

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