Diabetic women MORE at risk of heart disease, says shock report
Women with type 2 diabetes are more at risk of coronary heart disease

TYPE 2 diabetes could prove more deadly for women than man, explains scientific statement.

Women with the illness are twice as likely to have coronary heart disease than their male counterparts, a new scientific statement by the American Heart Association has revealed.
The scientific statement warned that women with type 2 diabetes have more heart attacks at earlier ages than men and are more likely to die after a first heart attack.
On top of this, women are less likely to undergo procedures to open clogged arteries, less frequently take cholesterol-lowering statins or aspirin, and are not as likely to have their blood sugar levels under control.

Diabetic women MORE at risk of heart disease, says shock report
Scientists described the statement as a 'call to action'

The statement’s authors explain that, although the report reveals some differences between the sexes, more research is necessary - especially why women react differently to men to some medication.
Chair of the statement and professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver Judith G. Regensteiner said: "To improve health equity in women and men with diabetes, we need to understand and improve both the biological reasons for the disparities and also control cardiovascular risk factors equally in both women and men.


Diabetic women MORE at risk of heart disease, says shock report
Women are also less likely to take statins and aspirin

"This statement is a call for action to do the compelling research that is so important for all people with diabetes.”
As a result of the scientific statement, women with the disease are advised to take part in more frequent and intense physical activity to lower their heart attack and stroke risk. Improved diet and a healthy lifestyle are also recommended.
According to diabetes.co.uk, type 2 diabetes is known as adult-onset diabetes due to many people being diagnosed over the age of 40 even though the disease is becoming more common with young adults and children. 
Diabetic women MORE at risk of heart disease, says shock report
It is recommended that women with type 2 diabetes do more physical exercise
In the UK, 2.7 million people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and a further 750,000 are believed to have symptoms but haven’t yet been tested. 

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