TRAILERS: Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2 VS Charlize Theron in Huntsman Winter's War
Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2
BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH and Charlize Theron duke it out for fairest of them in in brand new trailers for Zoolander 2 with Ben Stiller andJustin Bieber and The Huntsman: Winter's War with Emily Blunt, Jessica Chastain and Chris Hemsworth.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...
Well, we wouldn't want to be in the poor mirror's (non-existant) shoes if he had to choose between these two big screen beauties.

Not to mention that fact that they both seem rather terrifyingly unstable in their respective films.
As Zoolander 2 and The Huntsman: Winter's War unleash their trailers, it's hard to say which star looks more gorgeous – or more psychotic.

Zoolander 2 is the long-awaited sequel to 2001's supermodel smash hit comedy.
Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller are back as the hapless, hopeless male models Hansel and Derek 'Blue Steel' Zoolander.
The new trailer quickly makes it clear that their glory days are behind them.
"Though the last movie ended on a happy note a lot of things have happened in the meantime," Stiller explains.
"Their lives have changed and they’re not really relevant anymore. It’s a new world for them."

TRAILERS: Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2 VS Charlize Theron in Huntsman Winter's War
Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson in Zoolander 2
Their humilation in the trailer is painfully funny, but nowhere near as insane as the sight of a certain gender-bending thespian heartthrob.
Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch puts in a startling appearance as the grandly named All, complete with luscious long locks and a supermodel pout.
The film also stars Kanye West and we can only hope he doesn't decide to do the same.
Zoolander 2 sees the return of crazed baddie Mugatu, played by Will Ferrell. Freshly sprung from prison, he is determined to bump off the world's most gorgeous people, including Lenny Kravitz.
Zoolander 2 is out in cinemas on February 12, 2016.

TRAILERS: Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2 VS Charlize Theron in Huntsman Winter's War
Who IS the fairest of them all?
And speaking of gorgeous people...
The Huntsman: Winter's War boasts a spectacular line-up of cheekbones to make most supermodels weep into their non-fat skinny shakes.
Charlize Theron returns as The Wicked Queen with Emily Blunt as The Ice Queen, Jessica Chastain as The Warrior and Chris Hemsworth as The hunky Huntsman.
The film is a prequel to 2012's Snow White and the Huntsman which, unfortunately, generated headlines mainly for its scandalous affair between leading lady Kristen Stewart and her married director Rupert Sanders.

TRAILERS: Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2 VS Charlize Theron in Huntsman Winter's War
Emily Blunt as the Ice Queen

TRAILERS: Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2 VS Charlize Theron in Huntsman Winter's War
Charlize Theron as Queen Ravenna
The ensuing fall-out doubtless explains why the projected sequel was abandoned and the follow-up took a new direction.
Winter's War explores the back story to Hemsworth's troubled Huntsman as it introduces Brit beauty Emily Blunt as another evil witch, Freya.
Freya fled the kingdom after a heartbeaking betrayal and nursed her dreams of vengeance in a remote wintry palace.
Luckily she's a powerful witch who can control ice while she raises a legion of deadly huntsmen.

TRAILERS: Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2 VS Charlize Theron in Huntsman Winter's War
Well, you don't see THAT in Cinderella
Which leads us handily onto Hemsworth, who we discover is sexily called Eric. Young Eric becomes smitten by the fiece and feisty Sara (Chastain).
How lovely, you may think – except it breaks their queen's one golden rule to forever harden your hearts to love and means teh pretty pair must flee for their lives.
Which leads us handily onto that golden magic mirror from the last film.
When Freya learns of her sister's demise, she discovers Ravenna can be resurrected from its golden depths and ruthlessly gets her hands on it.
Uh oh.
Together, the wicked sisters threaten all the lands with twice the darkness of before.
Unless, of course, our star-crossed lovers can fight their way back to one another and save the day and the whole flippin' world while they're at it.
Best of all, while Blunt, Theron and Chastain tear up the screen, there is no hint at all of po-faced Stewart to be seen.
Now that's what we call a happy ending.
The Huntsman: Winter's War is out in UK Cinemas 22nd April 2016

TRAILERS: Benedict Cumberbatch in Zoolander 2 VS Charlize Theron in Huntsman Winter's War
Forget blondes, evil queens definitely have all the fun

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