Football Fights Back: France insists Wembley clash with England must go ahead
French Football Federation insist the England friendly must go ahead
THE French Football Federation decided that the show must go on after informing the English FA yesterday that they want Les Bleus to play at Wembley on Tuesday night.
England boss Roy Hodgson was preparing to make alternative arrangements believing the prestigious friendly was poised to be the latest victim of the bloody atrocities in Paris on Friday night.
But the latest show of French resistance will guarantee an emotional night at Wembley when it’s famous arch is likely to be turned red, white and blue in honour of their grieving visitors.
The England players watched the grim events unfold after they returned to their hotel on the outskirts of Benidorm .
They watched in sombre mood as they sat down to eat their post match meal. When the meal was over they dispersed to their rooms quickly and quietly, many unable to grasp the tragic events of Friday the 13th in the City of Light.
Administrative and backroom staff stayed up to start liaising with the French authorities and the Met police – talking about all possibilities.
Yesterday morning the players went through a warm down in the hotel gym, had lunch and then boarded a private charter to Luton.
When they landed they discovered that the prestige friendly would be taking place as originally planned.
FA chief executive Martin Glenn spoke to his French counterparts at great length, always leaving the final decision on the game to them.
There were no financial considerations for the FA because if it had been called off they would have been insured against any losses.
The FA had also been liaising with the British government who had in turn been speaking the French political leaders. All parties were in agreement that the game should go ahead.
There is no intelligence of a specific threat to this fixture – there wasn’t before the Paris blood bath – and there isn’t now.
But the police authorities reserve the right to review the situation if they believe there is a serious threat.
Even so there is likely to be a greater police presence with greater security and an intensive searching of all fans attending the game.
The England players will reconvene tonight at the Grove Hotel in Watford.
Football Fights Back: France insists Wembley clash with England must go ahead
Roy Hodgson passed on his 'heartfelt' condolences to France on behalf of his England team
Football Fights Back: France insists Wembley clash with England must go ahead
Frightened fans gathered on the pitch at the Stade de France due to the Paris terror attacks
Manager Roy Hodgson said: “On behalf of the England coaching staff and players, I would like to pass on our heartfelt condolences to the French nation at this extremely difficult time.
“The events in Paris have left us all shocked and we are thinking of the victims, their loved ones and all those affected by these tragic events.
“Shortly after the match last night (Friday) The FA contacted the FFF to express our deep sympathy and ask if they wanted to go ahead with Tuesday’s scheduled game at Wembley Stadium.
“Today (Saturday) the FFF has informed us they would still like to play the fixture.  We respect that decision and will prepare accordingly – both on and off the pitch.
“The match will be a serious occasion but one that shows that the football world is united against these atrocities.
“I’m sure the England team and our fans will play their part and show solidarity with our French friends on Tuesday evening and provide support for both teams during this difficult time.”

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