WARNING: The contraceptive pill DOES future fertility in females
Dr Marilyn has explained how taking the contraceptive pill can affect fertility in women
FERTILITY is a hot topic at the minute but we've got all the answers to your questions.

Not being able to naturally conceive can put pressure on a healthy relationship, and understanding the reasons why you're struggling is important.
There are several factors, when it comes to having a baby, everyone should understand. Dr Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading nutritionist, has explained everything to NewsNewsBlog.blogspot.com.

Did you know, if a woman orgasms it's said to increase their chances on conceiving?
Dr Marilyn said: "Two British biologists, Robin Baker and Mark Bellis, investigated the ‘upsuck hypothesis’ and discovered that when a woman climaxes any time between a minute before to 45 minutes after her lover ejaculates, she retains significantly more sperm than she does after non-orgasmic sex. 

WARNING: The contraceptive pill DOES future fertility in females
It's said when women orgasm it increases their chances of having a baby

I’m often asked by women using the oral contraceptive pill if they will have any difficulty getting pregnant once they stop using it
Dr Marilyn Glenville
"In addition, their research results indicated that the strong muscular contractions associated with orgasm create a partial vacuum, which help to suck the sperm from the vagina to the cervix, where it’s in better position to reach an egg."
She added: "Evolutionary psychologists are suggesting that in the past orgasm could have served a purpose – unconsciously – in favouring the man that a woman wants to father her child.
"So the woman would have an orgasm with one man who she would like to have children with and not another."
Another debate that rages on is whether or not taking an oral contraceptive pill for any length of time decreases the chances of naturally conceiving.
We quizzed Dr Marilyn - who is the author of Getting Pregnant Faster. She said: "I’m often asked by women using the oral contraceptive pill if they will have any difficulty getting pregnant once they stop using it.
"The combined pill contains two synthetic hormones, oestrogen and progestogen; it is taken for 21 days followed by a seven-day pill-free interval which gives a withdrawal bleed (not a true period). The Pill works by inhibiting the secretion of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland so that ovulation stops and by thickening the cervical mucus so sperm cannot swim through easily." 
She added: "The Pill suppresses ovulation and some women are at their most fertile as they come off it and the ovaries ‘kick start’ again. 
"Indeed, there are some studies that suggest that the Pill can actually boost fertility, by preventing ovulation and preserving better-quality eggs for use later on. 
"But for other women, their periods do not resume for many months or years even and it is not possible to predict how any individual’s body will react."
She explained: "Research on the Pill gives us a fuller picture of the its effect on fertility. These studies suggest that among previously fertile women who stop taking the Pill in order to conceive, the majority delivered a child within 30 months. 
"Although these statistics seem to bode well, it was found in another study of ‘older’ childless women, aged between 30 and 35 that they experienced a marked delay when trying to conceive when coming off the Pill. 
"Fifty per cent of these women took a year longer to get pregnant – sometimes taking as long as 72 months – than those of the same age who had not been using the Pill."
WARNING: The contraceptive pill DOES future fertility in females
It's thought the contraceptive pill can affect older woman
"So should you take the Pill?" asked Dr Marilyn. "The choice, of course, is yours, but the chance that you could be one of those women who experience a long delay in conceiving once you come off the Pill would seem to suggest that switching to a more natural form of contraception as part of your pre-conceptual care routine is a good idea. 
"My suggestion, therefore, is to come off the Pill, at least three months before you want to conceive and there are two reasons for doing this.
"The first, is to make sure that your periods start as soon as possible and you know that you are ovulating. 
"The other reason for coming off the Pill, at least three months before trying to conceive is that it can cause you to become deficient in a number of important nutrients including magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin E, folic acid (crucial in preventing spina bifida) and zinc (the most important nutrient for fertility)."

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