Two Premier League stars (including an England international) set to come out as gay
One of the Premier League stars set to come out plays for England
TWO Premier League stars are reportedly set to come out as gay.
Gay footballers have been reluctant to reveal their sexuality for fear of the backlash that could come their way.

But according to reports, two top-flight stars - one who plays for England - are set to come out and are being supported by their clubs and the FA.

A source told the Daily Mirror: "The stigma has completely gone, and the public are far more accepting.
Two Premier League stars (including an England international) set to come out as gay
The FA are supporting the two players
"At this level of football, being gay is almost the final frontier.

"It has always been such a macho game and, unfortunately, perhaps more than in any other sport, there can be an aggressive mob mentality in the stands.

"But finally the tide is turning and more and more sports people are openly gay."
Two Premier League stars (including an England international) set to come out as gay
Thomas Hitzlsperger announced he was gay last year after retiring
The Daily Mirror have not revealed their names but the two players would be the first to ever come out while playing in the Premier League.

It is added that another well-known star came out to friends in 2011 but had a homophobic word painted across his car.

He is now said to be reluctant to come out for fear of further abuse.

Justin Fashanu committed suicide after coming out in 1990

Wimbledon hero Justin Fashanu became Britain's first openly gay footballer in 1990, but suffered jibes from fellow professionals and taunts from fans.

He hanged himself aged 37 in 1998 after being accused of sexual assault.

Last year former Aston Villa midfielder Thomas Hitzlsperger announced he was gay after retiring.

And in other sports British stars have been blazing a trail - diver Tom Daley, rugby league ace Keegan Hirst and rugby union star Gareth Thomas have all come out.
And football insiders believe coming out could actually increase a player's profile.

Celebrity agent Simon Jones said: "Profile-wise there are no negatives to coming out in 2015. The world is literally their oyster."

An FA spokesman declined to comment on the Premier League players.
Two Premier League stars (including an England international) set to come out as gay
Diving ace Tom Daley is openly gay

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