Top 10 facts about Sir Christopher Wren
Sir Christopher Wren was born on October 20, 1632.
Sir Christopher Wren, physicist, astronomer, mathematician and architect of St Paul’s Cathedral was born on October 20, 1632.
1. His father, who became Dean of Windsor, and his only son were also called Christopher. 
2. The family were staunch royalists and his father saved the records of the Order of the Garter and King Edward III’s sword when Windsor chapel was ransacked by Cromwell’s men in the Civil War. 
3. Wren’s uncle Matthew was Bishop of Ely who was held for 18 years in the Tower of London. 
Top 10 facts about Sir Christopher Wren
Sir Christopher Wren was the architect of St Paul’s Cathedral
4. When the monarchy returned, uncle Matthew gave Wren received his first commission: to design the chapel at Pembroke College, Cambridge.
Architecture aims at Eternity
Sir Christopher Wren
5. After the Great Fire of London in 1666 Wren designed 52 new churches for the capital. 
6. In his early years at Oxford he invented a machine for writing in the dark. 
7. Wren’s first two designs for St Paul’s Cathedral were turned down by Parliament. 

Top 10 facts about Sir Christopher Wren
Wren's first design for the new St Paul's Cathedral after the Great Fire of London
8. His third design was accepted in 1675 then took over 20 years to build before being opened in 1697 and the dome took another 13 years to be finished. 
9. He was three times returned as MP for Windsor but never took his seat in parliament. 
10. “Architecture aims at Eternity,” (Sir Christopher Wren).

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