Tap up your water supply, urge experts
Drinking water is the healthiest way to hydrate and energise
DRINKING water is the healthiest way to hydrate. It energises us, aids digestion and weight loss and improves the complexion to name just a few of the benefits.

Despite this many of us are drinking far less than we should.
Recent research has revealed that nearly four million Britons haven't had a glass of water in over a week and our health could be suffering as a result.
Water makes up more than two-thirds of the healthy human body. It lubricates the joints and eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins and keeps the skin healthy.
Yet when the normal water content of your body is reduced it upsets the balance of minerals (salts and sugar) which affects the way it functions.

Water makes up more than two-thirds of the healthy human body
Early warning signs of dehydration include feeling thirsty and light-headed, a dry mouth, tiredness, having dark-coloured, strong-smelling urine and passing urine less often than usual.
One-in-five GP visits in the UK is down to tiredness and fatigue. It is thought that dehydration could be a culprit in many cases. Here are a few simple tricks that can help encourage you to drink more water every day.
1 How much water do I need?
Studies have tried to establish a recommended daily fluid intake but it can vary depending on the individual and factors such as age, gender, climate and physical activity.
Drinking enough fluid so that you are not thirsty for long periods and passing clear urine are good signs that you are well hydrated. Using an online hydration calculator such as h4hinitiative.com/tools/hydration-calculator can help work out how much you need.

Tap up your water supply, urge experts
Try adding fruit to your water to jazz it up
2 Make it a habit
Train yourself to drink more water by making it part of your daily routine. Try drinking a glass before bed, when you get out of the shower in the morning and before your morning coffee. This will add a substantial amount to your daily intake.
3 Jazz it up
A study by SodaStream revealed that more than a third (38 per cent) of us think drinking plain water is boring.
However adding fresh fruit and herbs such as berries, cucumber, lemon and mint is a quick and easy way to make water more interesting.
4 Put it on ice
Adding ice cubes to your drink is one of the simplest ways to increase your intake by stealth.
5 Suck it up
Gulping water all day can feel like a chore for some people. Using a straw can help you consume more water than you normally would per sip.

Tap up your water supply, urge experts
Boost your water intake by eating fruit such as watermelon
6 On the clock
If you are not naturally inclined to reach for your water bottle, set regular alerts on your phone as a reminder.
7 Try an app
Using apps such as Waterlogged can help you track your intake with little effort, set hydration goals and analyse data for an accurate look at your water consumption.
8 Add some fizz
Some of us prefer sparkling water to plain old tap. It is also a healthier alternative to sugary drinks. Gadgets such as the SodaStream Power (£149.99/ sodastream.co.uk) enable you to make your own fizzy water at the touch of a button - or buy carbonated mineral water instead of the still variety if it features regularly on your shopping list.
9 Eat your water
Consuming several litres of water a day can seem like a daunting task for some of us. Fruit and vegetables such as lettuce, grapefruit, cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon, celery, courgette, broccoli and strawberries are all very high in water content so make a big contribution to your daily intake.

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