New foods on the block: All you need to know about superfoods
Discover all you need to know about the most recent superfoods

BAFFLED by the latest batch of strange-sounding superfoods? Ally Oliver explains all.
What is it? A nutty-tasting, tiny Ethiopian grain with a nutritional punch. It’s high in iron, is said to reduce PMS symptoms and is great for vegetarians looking for new variations on protein sources.
How should I use it? Nutritionist and author Natasha Corrett says: “It’s an amazing grain that can be used as a flour substitute. I use it in gluten-free baking.” Find recipe ideas at 
What is it? A “microalga” that has been championed for its health benefits since the ninth century. This green powder can also be taken as a food supplement and its high protein and iron content make it ideal to take during pregnancy or when the immune system needs a boost.
According to Tipper Lewis, head herbalist at Neal’s Yard Remedies, “Spirulina has 65 to 70 per cent complete protein, which is the highest of any known food.” 
How should I use it? Add some powdered spirulina to a smoothie with berries and almond milk – try Viridian’s organic spirulina powder (£25.99 for 100g) or snack on a Bounce spirulina and ginseng energy ball (£2, Tesco). 
Raw cacao
What is it? These bean-like seeds are the original ingredient from which cocoa, chocolate and cocoa butter are made, but you can now buy raw cacao in powdered form in most supermarkets. It’s off the scale in terms of nutritional benefits, and is said to protect your nervous system and reduce the risk of heart disease.  
How should I use it? 
“I use the powdered version for baking and drinks for a guilt-free indulgence,” says Madeleine Shaw, author of Get The Glow (£20 – see Bookshop at It’s rich in magnesium and sulphur – great for building strong nails and shiny hair.
What is it? A little-known cabbage that looks a bit like a turnip, with a sweet flavour and a crunchy texture. Dietician and author Nigel Denby raves about its nutritional value: “It contains indoles – chemicals that may reduce the effects of oestrogen and therefore reduce the risk of breast cancer.
It also contains isothiocyanates, which may promote cancer-protecting enzyme activity.”  
How should I use it? Sliced up in salads or coleslaw, added to soups or even sliced thinly and baked as chips. 
New foods on the block: All you need to know about superfoods
Chia seeds are high in antioxidants
Goats’ curd
What is it? It tastes a lot like cream cheese but has a richer flavour with a slight tanginess to it. It’s a good source of protein but, warns Nigel Denby, “It is not a suitable cheese alternative for people with lactose intolerance.”
How should I use it? It’s delicious in many Mediterranean-inspired dishes, from salads and pizza to pastas – think of the way feta and goats’ cheese are used for inspiration. Look for it in your local delicatessen or try making your own (see
Red quinoa
What is it? The trend for quinoa, the nutty grain with an earthy taste, shows no sign of abating but did you know it actually comes in three varieties – black, white and red? Helen Stevenson, nutritionist for Marks & Spencer, says: “Quinoa is packed with lysine, an amino acid needed for tissue growth and repair, as well as magnesium, a mineral that aids muscular relaxation.”
How should I use it? M&S has a whopping 10 salads that contain this supergrain. Try its Mexican rice, quinoa and avocado salad (£2 for 205g). You can also throw it in at the end of cooking a stew instead of rice or add to a curry in place of lentils. 
What is it? A root vegetable, eaten in powdered form, that originates from Peru. It is high in iron, calcium and potassium and looks like a very big radish. It tastes slightly nutty and the Incan people used to call it “food of the gods” for its health benefits.
How should I use it? Madeleine Shaw is a big fan and uses it in powdered form in drinks. She recommends trying it in a Savse Get the Glow Protein Punch smoothie (Boots, £3 for 250ml): “With a high degree of flavonoids, maca is a powerful antioxidant and is said to be a strong fertility booster.”
What is it? A citrus fruit, bursting with vitamin C, that hails from Japan. It tastes like a cross between a lemon, lime and an orange and looks like an oversized lemon. 
How should I use it? It’s ideal for seasoning grilled chicken, fish and salads – try yuzu seasoning sauce (£3, Sainsbury’s). Or the delicious new yuzu and passion fruit yoghurt from M&S (priced 80p). 
Chia seeds 
What are they? These taste very much like crunchy poppy seeds. They are derived from a herb and have been used across South America for centuries as a base for nutritious drinks and as a food source. The seeds are higher in antioxidants (the substance that may help to prevent cancer) than any other wholefood and are rich in the so-called “brain food” omega-3 fatty acids.
How should I use them? Use up to three tablespoons of chia seeds in a smoothie every day – try Naturya chia seeds from (£5.99 for 300g). Scatter on cereal, combine with lemon juice and olive oil for a salad dressing or use in baking in place of poppy seeds. 

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