Being OVERWEIGHT puts you more at risk of getting CANCER
There is a direct link between being overweight and having cancer
SCARY statistics show strong link between obesity and cancer with over 12,000 new cancers linked to being overweight.
There's no denying cancer is a weighty issue and a recent study has the numbers to prove it. 
With two-thirds of UK adults now overweight and a fifth classified as obese, associated diseases such as type-2 diabetes are on the rise and, alarmingly, so are a number of cancers.
The study, published in the Lancet medical journal, looked at over 5 million people to establish the links between obesity and cancer, and the results are enough to make you think twice about dessert this evening. 
Results show that over 12,000 new cases of cancer each year in the UK and associated with being overweight, and the higher that number on your scales the more at risk you are. 
Being OVERWEIGHT puts you more at risk of getting CANCER
Fatty liver disease, which can proceed to cirrhosis is also on the increase thanks to obesity
In case those figures aren't frightening enough, for every 5 point increase in your BMI* you could be 62 per cent more likely to get cancer of the uterus and 25 per cent more likely to get kidney cancer. 
Other cancers more common in people who are obese include colon cancer, some breast cancers and endometrial cancer. Fatty liver disease, which can proceed to cirrhosis (a risk factor for liver cancer) is also on the increase thanks to obesity. 
NHS consultant and Weight Loss Surgeon Dr Sally Norton is urging people, whether overweight or not, to be vigilant when checking for signs that may suggest cancer in these areas. 
She suggests alerting your GP if you notice any unusual symptoms, including the following:
  1. Worsening acid reflux or indigestion, or a sensation of food sticking when you swallow
  2. A lump in your breast - check breasts regularly and attend any mammograms booked for you
  3. Pain in your tummy, unexplained weight loss or anything unusual for you
Being OVERWEIGHT puts you more at risk of getting CANCER
Dr Sally Norton is urging people to check themselves thoroughly for cancer
Of course, most of these are most likely linked to less-worrying causes, but it is best to be proactive. 
Similarly, prevention is the best cure. Dr Norton, who is also the founder of weight-loss programme Vavista, shed some light on how to shed excess weight. 
She said: "The best thing to do is tackle your weight in a sensible way. Don't be tempted by the latest 'quick fix' as studies have shown that conventional dieting doesn't work long-term with 85 per cent of dieters regaining all the weight they have lost by a year." 
She added: "Focus on making small, but sustainable changes to your eating behaviour and habits to ensure slow, steady weight-loss that stays off. With a few small changes to our lives and eating behaviour we can do something to fight back against he big 'C'… and be slimmer and healthier in many other ways, too" 
For more information about the Vavista Programme's diet-free method of weight-loss, head to 
*BMI or body mass index is a ratio of your weight and height. 
To calculate your BMI, divide your weight in kg by your height in metres, then divide that result by your height in metres again. 
The answer you get is your BMI. You may be overweight if your BMI is 25 and over, obese if your BMI is 30 and above.
Being OVERWEIGHT puts you more at risk of getting CANCER
There are over 12,000 new cases of cancer each year in the UK

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