An over active bladder can SERIOUSLY damage your sex life
Having an over active bladder could damage your sex life
TROUBLES in your sex life could well be caused by bladder problems, it's been revealed.
Approximately 13 million people have a bladder problem - like a weak or overactive bladder. 
These conditions leave sufferers with a frequent and urgent need to urinate, or experiencing urinary leakage.  
Surprisingly, this is the UK’s second biggest health worry when it comes to getting older, beaten only by joint troubles.
A whopping 44 per cent of the population claim they’re nervous about losing control of their bodily functions, this comes ahead of diabetes and even heart problems. 
For many, the condition can also have a knock-on effect on their romantic life, with results showing that around four in ten people affected claim their bladder challenges have caused problems in their relationship.

An over active bladder can SERIOUSLY damage your sex life
Forty four per cent of Brits are nervous about losing control of their bodily functions
Communication between partners can suffer, as well as sex life. Because the person affected no longer feels desirable or attractive, this may lead to a decreased libido or lack of sex drive. 
In spite of the above, however, results show that one in three still refuses to speak to a healthcare professional until they think their wee problems have become ‘really bad’.
Dr Dawn Harper, best known for her work on TV’s Embarrassing Bodies, chaired a recent summit on behalf of UROSTEMOL - a traditional herbal remedy used to relieve an overactive bladder.
The star said OAB is an issue that needs to be urgently addressed: "Although having a weak or overactive bladder is not life threatening, it is life changing for many men and women. 
"In fact, the survey results show that 7 in 10 adults have had to make significant changes to their lifestyle because of the condition."
She added: "Not being able to wear nice underwear is just the tip of the iceberg, with toilet ‘mapping’, avoiding drink, dark clothing and shunning socialising all deemed necessary means of coping. 
"The ripple effect can include anything from damaged relationships, to poor sleep, to anxiety and low self-esteem."
UROSTEMOL FEMINA is part of the NEW UROSTEMOL range – an over the counter (OTC) licensed herbal medicine for use in the relief of weak and overactive bladder, based on long standing use. 
The well tolerated herbal products all contain the unique FINK therapeutic pumpkin seed, which has an exceptionally high content of delta-7-sterols – believed to have a positive effect on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) – and offer Omega Pharma’s first OTC self-medicated treatment option for those affected by such symptoms.
An over active bladder can SERIOUSLY damage your sex life
The condition can also have a knock-on effect on their romantic life
Nathalie Beckers, Brand Manager of UROSTEMOL, said: "Up until now, over the counter treatment options for lower urinary tract symptoms and overactive bladder have been very limited. 
"People have either had to put up with symptoms or use prescription medicines, which are often associated with considerable side effects."
She added: "New UROSTEMOL is an OTC range that has been traditionally used to relieve complaints like frequent and urgent urination, frequent night-time urination and urinary incontinence, and offers an alternative treatment option for the 13 million people in the UK who have to live with these symptoms every day.”
The UROSTEMOL range offers products for all LUTS related to OAB and bladder weakness and is available exclusively at Boots. Tailor made products are available for both men and women – see below for more details.

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