Top 10 facts about the number nine
Today is the ninth day of the ninth month
1. The earliest references to the nine lives of a cat were linked to a belief that a witch could take the form of a cat nine times.
2. There are nine words for “stupid” in the language of Dusun Baguk in Sumatra.
3. Nine per cent of UK adults say they have two or more tablet computers at home.
4. Ninepin bowling was banned in some US states in the 19th century as betting on it was taking place. Tenpin bowling then took its place.
5. There are Nine Circles of Hell in Dante’s Divine Comedy. The ninth circle is for traitors.
6. A 1964 documentary called Nine From Little Rock is the only film with “Nine” in its title to have won an Oscar.
7. “Noon” originally meant the ninth hour of the day after sunrise, which was around 3pm.
8. The US Food and Drug Administration allows nine milligrams of rat droppings to be found in a kilogram of wheat.
9. Bob Marley was born and buried in the village of Nine Mile in Jamaica.
10. In 1940, Boris Karloff played a mad doctor in the film The Man With Nine Lives; in 1941 Ronald Reagan starred in Nine Lives Are Not Enough.

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