REVEALED: Why you STILL need to use a condom after a vasectomy (and other snippets)
This week we're talking vasectomy surgery - what it is, and what it does
IT'S the topic men don't like to talk about but we're going there - everything you need to know about whether a vasectomy is for you.
The snip, the big V – whatever you want to call it - has been around since 1823 when a poor dog was the first to be subjected to the surgery. 
It's a rather permanent form of contraception and, that taken into consideration, is one of life’s big decisions. 
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Anthony Koupparis, revealed the most commonly asked question when men came in to talk to him was: "It's reversible, right?" With this in mind, we've discuss some of the myths and uncomfortable truths behind the snip.  
What vasectomy does and doesn’t do
Vasectomy, also known as male sterilisation, is a reliable and permanent form of contraception for men who are sure that they don’t want to father any more children.
It doesn’t affect your sex drive or ability to enjoy sex
Anthony Koupparis, Consultant Urological Surgeon
REVEALED: Why you STILL need to use a condom after a vasectomy (and other snippets)
A vasectomy is a form of male sterilisation which is thought to be irreversible
It doesn’t affect your sex drive or ability to enjoy sex. You’ll still have erections and produce the same amount of fluid when you ejaculate. The only difference is that the fluid will not contain sperm. The testes will still produce sperm, but they can't travel to the penis and are naturally reabsorbed.
Vasectomy doesn’t protect you from contracting or passing on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or diseases (STDs), therefore you should continue to take appropriate precautions.
The golden rule: speak to your partner
If you’re in a relationship, you need to make this decision together. It goes both ways. You’d be surprised how many men speak with a consultant about vasectomy before they speak with their partner. On the other hand, there are some men who might feel pressured to have a vasectomy by their partner. You should take some time to talk it through long before stepping into a consultant’s office. 
Consider it irreversible 
You cannot go into vasectomy with reversal as a fall back option.  A vasectomy reversal is a complex procedure, and the success rates of the operation decrease the longer the period after the initial vasectomy.
In some cases it's possible to retrieve sperm surgically from the testicles if your circumstances change. Some men choose to freeze sperm before undergoing a vasectomy. If your future fertility is a central concern, then vasectomy is probably not for you.
I’m starting to have doubts - what are the alternatives?
There are many different types of effective contraception, but things like condoms and the contraceptive pill require constant thought and attention. Couples also have the option of female sterilisation, although this surgical procedure is not as simple to perform, has more risks than vasectomy and requires a general anaesthetic. It’s worth discussing all the options before deciding what to do next. 
The awkward bits of the procedure
It’s not unnatural to feel a little vulnerable at the idea of having your testicles felt by a surgeon as they plan to make small cuts in your scrotum. This is a fear you will have to face.
For the surgeon to have unobstructed access, you may have to shave an area of your scrotum. If you prefer, you can do it yourself at home before the operation.
While you shouldn’t feel any pain under the local anaesthetic, you may feel a little exposed as the surgeon feels the testicles to find the vas deferens, tubes that carry sperm to the penis, and makes tiny cuts in both sides of the scrotum. Sometimes it’s just one central incision, or a small hole. The tubes are pulled out through the holes, cut, and sealed off. The tubes are then gently placed back into the scrotum and the cuts closed using dissolvable stitches or adhesive strips. Often there’s no need for a dressing.
REVEALED: Why you STILL need to use a condom after a vasectomy (and other snippets)
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t affect your sex drive or ability to enjoy sex
After the deal is done
Recovery from the operation is often swift, with many men returning to work the next day. It’s best to avoid heavy lifting or vigorous exercise as this can place strain on the healing wounds.
There can be side-effects. If the surgeon has had trouble finding the tubes, there may be severe bruising around the scrotum. Most men will have some mild soreness after the local anaesthetic wears off.
As with any surgery, there can be complications. Complications arising from vasectomy are rare, but can include anything from bleeding inside the scrotum to infection. Very rarely, even when performed correctly, there is a minuscule risk the tubes can rejoin naturally making you fertile again (1 in 2000 men).
Getting back to sex – hold your horses!
Sex can be resumed as soon as it feels comfortable to do so, but another form of contraception must be used until the live sperm that remain in the tubes are gone. This can take a few months. Two semen tests will need to be performed to ensure that the tubes are clear of sperm. One semen sample should be taken to the hospital 12 -14 weeks after surgery and a second sample two weeks later.
When your semen has been shown to have no sperm at all, you’ll be given the all clear to stop using other methods of contraception. 
Find out more about vasectomy
If you want to learn more about vasectomy and other treatments, check out Nuffield Health’s free expert advice events, which are being held across the UK in September and October.  For further details go to Nuffield Health September Hospital Events

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