'Lube is a wonderful idea' Sexpert Susan talks sex AFTER sixty, positions and orgasms
Having sex in your sixties should be fun, liberating and not intimidating
SEX later in life isn't a taboo subject, in fact we should be embracing it with lubricant and passion combined.

Susan Quilliam - Durex's sex and relationship expert - has taken us through which position might be best for people enjoying an active sex life over the age of sixty.
Everyone can enjoy sex, says Susan. And it may sen obvious but sexually transmitted infections can affect anyone who's sexually active but not practising safe sex.
We asked Susan all the important questions including what it was like having sex with a new partner later in life and if lubricant was a must.
Which position would you recommend for those over-sixty? 
Susan said: "I'd recommend a side-by-side position, where you both lie facing and with her outer leg raised up and over his waist.
"This position not only means that your bodies are supported. It also means that neither of you is  taking the weight of the other, unlike the missionary where she's underneath, or 'woman on top' where he is.

"Also it's a gentle position, that doesn't take much exertion or acrobatics,- and being face-to-face makes it very intimate. The alternative side-by-side position is 'spooning', where she lies in front, he lies behind her and curled round, penetrating; this may not be as romantic but does mean that either of you can reach down and stimulate her clitoris."
Should those over 60 take it easy with a laid-back attitude, when it comes to sex? 
The sex and relationship expert said: "Older people, like all people, should enjoy the sex they want, when they want, how they want and with exactly the energy they want.
"Laid back is fine if it means being relaxed around sexuality, but passionate and proactive is wonderful too.  Many older people find a new lease of life sexually once that they are freed of the worries of pregnancy and child rearing and have time to devote to themselves. They should simply enjoy every moment."
Would you suggest using a lubricant for women post-menopause? 
Susan explained: "Often a woman's ability to lubricate drops naturally at the menopause, particularly if she is not using hormonal supplements.
"If she is feeling dry, then lube is a wonderful idea. I'd recommend Durex Play O which not only lubricates but also enhances orgasm. Also, make sure that foreplay is long and arousing to encourage natural lubrication. Plus, keep having sex for as long as you want it - so you don't'lose it' because you don't 'use it', whether that's with partner sex or pleasuring yourself."

'Lube is a wonderful idea' Sexpert Susan talks sex AFTER sixty, positions and orgasms
It might not be the most discussed topic, but older people are enjoying sex throughout later life

Can sex games still be fun as a pensioner? 
She said: "Absolutely they can. With the improvements in health care, nowadays the average sixty-year-old is just as fit and just as eager as a forty-year-old was in previous generations. Plus they are likely to have much more knowledge about sex to add to their many decades of experience."
How would you approach sex with a new partner, as an older person? 
Susan said: "Older people are often nervous of having sex with a new partner - sometimes because they have been in one relationship for a long while and feel they have become limited in what they do.
"What's often forgotten is that while swinging from the chandeliers is wonderful, what most of us - old or young - are looking for in sex is a sense of connection with another person. I always advise building that connection before getting into bed, so you not only feel relaxed and safe but can also talk through your expectations and concerns. My motto - for teens and pensioners alike - is to 'make friends before you make love'.
"PS: With a new partner, don't forget the important question of protection. Older age groups too are at risk of STDs so it's important to use condoms with a new partner; try Durex Real Feel for a lovely skin-on-skin feeling."

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