I was diagnosed with AF, can I work out? Dr Rosemary answers your medical queries
Everyone, including those with a heart condition, should do moderate exercise
Q: I keep reading about the importance of exercise and how it helps extend our lives by making the heart beat faster.
I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF) two years ago and was prescribed carvedilol to slow down my heart. What do I do about exercise because I am as keen as the next man to extend my life. 

A: As with any muscle, the heart needs to be worked to keep it in good condition and that means physical exercise. Even if you already have heart disease, exercise can help to strengthen your heart and reduce the risk of further problems. Exercise can also help with weight control which is also important for your heart.
Everyone, including those with a heart condition, should try to spend 20 minutes or so every day doing moderate exercise. As you have a heart condition, check with your GP before doing any exercise and start slowly. Don’t suddenly throw yourself into an energetic daily regime. A lot of people judge their activity levels by checking their pulse.
However, if you have an erratic pulse or are on tablets that can slow the heart (such as beta blockers) a better way is to do exercise that makes you feel warm and breathe fast (but not so fast that you can’t talk at the same time).
The British Heart Foundation (bhf.org.uk) publishes an excellent booklet with advice on exercise for people with heart disease.
Q:  Is it possible to buy liquid nitrogen to remove several spots that I’ve had on my face for a long time? I mentioned this to my GP but he didn’t really have an answer.

A: Liquid nitrogen can be used only by healthcare professionals and cannot be bought by the public. This is because it is extremely cold (it evaporates at -196C) and can cause rapid freezing on contact with human skin.
Excess use can easily cause blisters and worse still, frostbite. Even doctors are extremely careful about using it because of the damage it can cause. If you are concerned about the spots on your face, see your GP again. However if they are purely a cosmetic issue, it is unlikely they will be treated on the NHS.


Regarding the problem of mouth ulcers, I was advised that using toothpaste which did not contain sodium lauryl sulfate would prove to be a solution. Indeed this turned out to be the case. Mrs C Buck, Bournemouth

* If you have a health question for Dr Rosemary please write to her in confidence at The Northern & Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN or email health@express.co.uk Dr Rosemary’s reply will appear in this column.

She regrets that she cannot enter into personal correspondence and that, due to the volume of letters, she cannot reply to everyone.
Find out more about Dr Rosemary at drrosemaryleonard. co.uk

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