Costly gyms mean over-65s ‘can’t afford to keep healthy’
NHS guidelines say over-60s should get two-and-a-half hours of exercise a week
MILLIONS of pensioners cannot afford to stay fit and healthy, according to a new survey. The price of private gym membership and even council-run local swimming pools and gyms frustrates their efforts to exercise.
Other barriers include transport difficulties and having no one to accompany them, according to research by Arco, the trade body for UK retirement villages and sheltered housing.
NHS guidelines for the 11 million over-65s in Britain recommend around two-and-a-half hours of moderate exercise and muscle strengthening every week.
But the survey revealed that over a third of pensioners identify themselves as “not very” or “not at all” active.
Of those who wanted to do more activities, the cost of using fitness venues deterred 29 per cent.
A quarter cited feeling self-conscious in places such as gyms often dominated by young people and one in five felt that some facilities, such as swimming pools, do not have easy access.
Staying physically active in later life is crucial to maintaining health and wellbeing.
One in three over- 65s suffers from a fall each year, costing the NHS £4.6million a day, according to Age UK figures.
Michael Voges, executive director of Arco, said: “Age is not in itself a barrier to physical activity.
“Many over-65s would like to be more active but struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle due to barriers such as availability, cost and living alone.”

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