UK to extend Tornado fightback against ISIS but Jeremy Corbyn victory could derail plan
RAF Tornados could be used to bomb ISIS in Syria
THE Government has today paved the way for Britain to begin a bombing campaign against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria - by extending the service of RAF's Tornado squadron for another year.

In a second stay of execution for the Tornado GR4 fighter bombers, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announced 12 (Bomber) Squadron - previously designated 2 Squadron - will continue in service until March 2017.
The jets had originally been due to be disbanded last March and replaced with a squadron of Typhoon air defence fighters.
But following the launch of airstrikes against ISIS (or ISIL) in Iraq last September, David Cameron announced they would carry on for an additional 12 months so they could continue in their specialist ground-attack role in the Middle East.
Speaking during a visit to Iraqi capital Baghdad, Mr Fallon said the second extension would ensure the RAF retained "the essential precision firepower, intelligence and surveillance" capabilities needed for operations against the brutal jihadists.
RAF Tornados have carried out hundreds of strikes 
Michael Fallon

He said: "RAF Tornados have carried out hundreds of strikes, helping Iraqi forces push back ISIL from the Kurdish region and out of key towns such as Tikrit and Bayji."
"We want to ensure we maintain this crucial operational tempo and so we will extend the lifetime of Number 12 Squadron for a further year to March 2017.
"This will allow us to sustain our effort, helping the Iraqis lead the fight on the ground."
 Mr Fallon told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "It's not the number of aircraft, it's where they are and what the rest of the coalition - and there are some 16 other countries involved in strikes against Isil - would welcome is certainly the participation of Tornado in strikes against Isil headquarters in northern Syria.
"But to do that obviously we need the authority of Parliament, we have a new Parliament now, and at some point I think the new Parliament will have to reflect on the illogicality of our planes turning back, if you like, at the border while other countries fly on to deal with Isil's headquarters."
Mr Fallon welcomed Turkish airstrikes against IS and called for them to do more, including sealing the border to stop foreign fighters entering Syria and allowing greater use of Turkish airbases and airspace
The decision could also open the door for an expansion of the RAF's role to launch airstrikes against ISIS in neighbouring Syria, as well as Iraq.
Mr Cameron's previous bid to secure House of Commons' backing for intervention in Syria's bloody civil war was derailed by his failure to win the support of Labour MPs in a vote in September 2013.
It has recently been suggested a new vote on the matter could be held as soon as October, once MPs return from their respective party conferences.
But Parliamentary approval for a greater fightback against ISIS will hinge on the outcome of the Labour leadership election, according to Whitehall sources.
UK to extend Tornado fightback against ISIS but Jeremy Corbyn victory could derail plan
ISIS could get bombed in Syria
Jeremy Corbyn, who has gone from being a 100/1 outsider to consistently topping the polls for Labour's next leader, is opposed to extending the current bombing campaign against ISIS from Iraq into Syria.
Mr Cameron is believed not to want to suffer a repeat of his humiliating defeat of almost two years ago when Parliament voted down his proposals to bomb the President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria.
A Whitehall source told The Times: "The PM is unlikely to want to go ahead unless he has the consent of the leader of the opposition."
The Government has indicated it is considering a vote on bombing ISIS this autumn, and Labour's acting leader Harriet Harman had signalled her party would support such a move.
However if Mr Corbyn, the rebellious MP for Islington North does win the contest, that could all change.
Mr Corbyn is a long-standing anti-war campaigner and wants Britain to leave NATO.
He has argued that, rather than bombing Iraq and Syria, ISIS's funds should be cut.
The news comes as Mr Corbyn's electoral bandwagon increases its momentum.
Last night, Camden Town Hall was packed out for a campaign rally for Mr Corbyn - who had to mount a fire engine to speak to supporters who were unable to enter the venue.
Today's decision on the Tornado squadron was welcomed by the head of the RAF, Air Chief Marshal Sir Andrew Pulford.
"It is clear that the requirement for fast jet precision strike and intelligence gathering shows no sign of diminishing," he said.
UK to extend Tornado fightback against ISIS but Jeremy Corbyn victory could derail plan
Whitehall sources claim Jeremy Corbyn could stop a planned bombing campaign
The head of the armed forces, General Sir Nicholas Houghton, had warned last month that the RAF was operating at "the very limits of fast jet availability and capacity".
The GR4s, operating out of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, are equipped with precision-guided Paveway bombs and Brimstone missiles.
They can also be fitted with Raptor reconnaissance pods for carrying out surveillance and intelligence gathering missions.
Together with the RAF's unmanned Reaper drones, also operating in the region, they have flown more than 1,100 combat missions over Iraq and carried out more than 250 air strikes.
During his visit to Baghdad, Mr Fallon held talks with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and other senior Iraqi government figures.

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