Shocking figures reveal one in ten children don't know APPLES grow on trees
A survey has revealed British kids don't know the source of the most basic foods
WOULD you believe one in ten children don't know apples grow on trees? It's a scary reality.
New research released today has revealed far too many children aren't aware of the origin of fruit and vegetables grown in England. 
Almost half the children questioned during a survey conducted by The Fabulous Bakers could not correctly identify how the most popular fruits are grow. 
Shamefully, three per cent of children think bananas are made in a factory and a whopping six per cent of children think chocolate is ready made and grown as bars. 
Over half of British kids do not know grapes grow on vines and more scarily over a quarter of adults do not know how bananas are grown.
Shocking figures reveal one in ten children don't know APPLES grow on trees
The children can work technology but don't have the basic education
Shocking figures reveal one in ten children don't know APPLES grow on trees
This little girl knows what's what, but many don't
The Fabulous Bakers, the UK's only mainstream bakery using all natural ingredients, conducted research amongst over 1,000 children aged six to ten years old to mark the launch of its new online film. 
The Fabulous Bakers aim to educate and entertain children about just how fascinating and fabulous the natural world and its natural ingredients are - something we, as a nation, are clearly failing in currently. 
Almost half of those questioned could not correctly identify how the most popular fruits are grown with over a quarter thinking strawberries grow on trees as opposed to on plants or bushes. 
Eight six per cent did not know that pineapples grow on the ground from an individual plant and the fruits that children are most confused by are watermelons. A huge 96 per cent didn't know they are grown on vines. 
Are we a nation of naive eaters, or is this information we just don't need to learn anymore? 
Victoria Willis from The Fabulous Bakers said: "It is really important people know exactly where the food we put into our bodies comes from and when you look closely at how natural ingredients grow, you really do appreciate just how fabulous the natural world is. 
"For example, pineapples are two hundred flowers fused together, cranberries aren't picked they¹re flooded in a lake, and bees tell other bees where to get the best food by dancing. How fabulous."

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