Police rescue abandoned newborn baby from pipe in public toilet
It is unknown why the newborn baby girl was abandoned by her mother
A NEWBORN baby was rescued from a lavatory pipe when members of the public were alerted by its crying.
Police are investigating the whereabouts of the newborn baby girl's parents after they failed to report that she was trapped, according to a hospital report.
Police rescue abandoned newborn baby from pipe in public toilet
China has been rife with scandal over suffering infants in the past few years
The baby is believed to have been abandoned by her mother, who apparently gave birth in the facility in Beijing, China.
The baby is believed to have been abandoned by her mother
She was taken to hospital but did not appear to have any physical disabilities. 
In recent years China has become rife with scandal involving suffering infants.
There was a similar case in May 2013 where a newborn baby in Zhejiang survived after being dropped down a lavatory conduit by its mother.
Although reasons are unknown, it is believed that Chinese babies born out of wedlock are sometimes abandoned because of social and financial pressures.
In addition, the country's one-child policy can mean heavy fines for couples who choose to have more that one baby.

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