MH 370: French officials call halt to Reunion search
People looking for Flight MH370 Debris in Reunion have had their search halted
FRENCH authorities have called off their hunt for missing flight MH370 after 10 days of searches off their overseas territory island of Reunion drew a blank.
The Indian Ocean island's local government said yesterday that they would stay vigilant in the search.

A wing part, which was confirmed as part of the plane which disappeared on March 8 last year, was found washed up on Reunion on July 29.
It was hoped it would lead to clues which would solve the mystery of what happened to the plane, which disappeared after turning over the Indian Ocean en route to Beijing from Malaysian Capital Kuala Lumpur with 239 people on board.
Investigators searched a 10,000 square kilometre area of sea and go through the islands eastern coastline.
However, this will now stop.
The searches have not led to the identification of anything that could have a link with a plane.
Dominique Sorain
The French government's representative on the island, Dominique Sorain, said: "The searches have not led to the identification of anything that could have a link with a plane."
The news follows yesterday's announcement that two pieces of aeroplane debris found in the Maldives were to be tested to see whether they had anything to do with the Boeing 777.
Previous debris found in the idyllic Indian Ocean islands were found to be unrelated to the plane.

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