JK Rowling DEVASTATES fans with heartbreaking Harry Potter news about Hagrid
JK Rowling upset fans with her revelations about Hagrid
JK ROWLING has broken Harry Potter fans' hearts with a devastating revelation about series favourite Hagrid.
The author broke the terrible news while answering a series of fan questions.
Rowling was asked what kind of Patronas Hagrid would produce.

The spell is supposed to represent a powerful distillation of the spell caster's deepest happiness but Rowling revealed that the half-giant could never cast such magic.

JK Rowling DEVASTATES fans with heartbreaking Harry Potter news about Hagrid
Hagrid suffered greatly in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

JK Rowling DEVASTATES fans with heartbreaking Harry Potter news about Hagrid
Hagrid is one of the most beloved characters in Harry Potter
“Hagrid couldn't produce a Patronus. It's a very difficult spell,” Rowling says.

Thousand of devastated fans have been messaging their distress that the author is also implying that the beloved character was too depressed to find enough required happy memories.
Twitter user jasmin ‏wrote: "omg no that's so sad :("

Another user called Khaleesi said: "Ugh Hagrid not being able to produce a patronus is very depressing."

Their thoughts were echoed by fellow fan Pendergast who wrote: "Is Hagrid not powerful enough or can he not draw up enough happy memories to produce a Patronus? It's really upsetting me."
Click here to read director Chris Columbus' hopes for a new Harry Potter film.
The intricate defensive charm is notoriously hard to achieve and Harry Potter himself struggles with it.

Hagrid famously never finished his education at Hogwarts because he was expelled. He was framed by Tom Riddle (who became Voldermort) for opening the Chamber of Secrets and his wand was broken in two.

So, he clearly would not have the power or education to master such a difficult spell.

Even so, soft-hearted fans hate the thought the the much abused character should suffer such enduring sadness.

Especially when Rowling has already informed readers that his mother abandoned him and his father died when he was in his third year of school.

Come on, JK, surely you can 'remember' something happy about Hagrid to cheer the fans up?

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