ISIS fighters can buy baby sex slaves from a sick catalogue
ISLAMIC State (ISIS) fighters have created a sick catalogue offering baby SEX SLAVES for as little as £100, it emerged today.
Children as young as one are for sale in the twisted price list, with political leaders fearing it will be almost impossible to break the organised sex trafficking.
The vile catalogue even contains a tariff, with the youngest children attracting the top prices. 
Today a leading UN official confirmed the authenticity of the disturbing document, which could have been used by British jihadis fighting in Iraq and Syria. 
The UN's Zainab Bangura, said the sex menu choices show how ISIS peddles baby girls "like barrels of petrol" to its sexually depraved members. 
She said: "One girl can be sold and bought by five or six different men. Sometimes these fighters sell the girls back to their families for thousands of dollars of ransom."
ISIS fighters can buy baby girls for as little as £100
Under the price tariff girls are valued by age, with the oldest sporting the cheapest price tags. 
According to the catalogue radical fighters can buy children aged one to nine for around £100, whilst adolescent girls cost £80 and women over 40 just £25. 
The prices are quoted in Iraqi Dinars, with higher ranking members of the terrorist group getting first pick of the young girls. 
ISIS commanders are offered first choice of their victims, followed by wealthy foreign fighters - including those from Britain - and finally the remainders of the terrorist group's ranks. 
The girls who fall into ISIS hands are likely to face terrible treatment including beatings and sexual torture at the hands of the group's sadistic fighters.
They are peddled like barrels of petrol
Zainab Bangura
Ms Bangura, a Sierra Leonean politician, believes it will be almost impossible to break ISIS' organised sex trade in children. 
She said: "They have a machinery, they have a program. They have a manual on how you treat these women. They have a marriage bureau which organizes all of these ‘marriages’ and the sale of women. They have a price list."
She added: “It’s not an ordinary rebel group. When you dismiss them as such, then you are using the tools you are used to. This is different. 
"They have the combination of a conventional military and a well-run organized state."
Thousands of Iraqi women have been forced into sex slavery by the group, as many as 3,000 of them from the peaceful Yazidi tribe in Iraq. 
At the end of last year ISIS released a sickening pamphlet detailing how slaves, women and children should be treated by its fighters. 
The jihadists argue that kidnapping women who are unbelievers in Islam is justified. 
According to the pamphlet, fighters are allowed to have sex with non-Muslim women. 
This can be done at the point of capture if she is a virgin, or after the "uterus has been purified" if she is not. 
The pamphlet also says a female slave can be given a “disciplinary beating,” with only her face left untouched. 
However ISIS forbids its fighters to beat the slaves for the purpose of achieving gratification or for torture.

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