How to COLD-PROOF your festive season with simple survival tips
It's peak season for the spread of germs thanks to Christmas social engagements, say experts
CHRISTMAS time increases your risk of colds and viruses, but there are plenty of ways you can avoid getting sick.

The weather might be mild, but extra contact with friends, family and strangers over the busy December period increases the likelihood of contagious colds and flu spreading.
GP and Olbas expert Dr Roger Henderson has revealed all you need to know to keep colds and coughs at bay over Christmas, while we also BUST common cold myths.

What steps should people take to avoid getting ill?
“Drink lots of water, especially if you spend a lot of time in centrally heated spaces. Not only will it keep your body hydrated, but it will also help to flush out toxins. Aim to drink at least 1.2 litres of water per day.
“Limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Too much can lead to vitamin deficiencies, which can affect your immune system and your ability to fight infections such as colds and flu.
“Get enough sleep. It’s the body’s natural way of recharging its batteries and studies have shown it could help immunity.
“Have a cup of tea. Green tea is one of the richest sources of antioxidants, so it’s great for helping you to beat winter bugs and giving your immune system a boost.
“Relax! When your body is under stress you are more susceptible to the viral infections that cause coughs, colds and flu, so keep calm through Christmas.”
How to COLD-PROOF your festive season with simple survival tips
Viruses can be air borne and carried on public transport
What products should people always have in their bathroom cabinet?
“Tissues help contain the germs and stop them spreading. Always seek medical advice if you develop a cough with coloured sputum as you may need antibiotics.”

What foods and drinks prevent colds?
“Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day – they boost your immune system and help to ward off colds and flu. Also try eating plenty of garlic and onion to help keep bugs at bay. Known for their antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties they can help fight infections and if you don’t like garlic in its natural form, it’s also available as a supplement.”

When someone has a cold, what steps should they take?
“Always keep tissues to hand to contain and dispose of the germs.
“Avoid touching your face as the cold virus is often carried on the hands and then enters your body through your eyes, nose or mouth.
“Use an inhalant decongestant such as Olbas Oil to help relieve congestion. This will aid better sleep to aid recovery.
“Minimise the risk of catching a cold by washing your hands regularly. To get rid of germs, rub your hands together vigorously with lots of soap and warm water for at least 15 seconds.”

How to COLD-PROOF your festive season with simple survival tips
“Always keep tissues to hand to contain and dispose of the germs," says Dr Henderson
What are the biggest mistakes people make?
“Getting over-tired, eating unhealthily, not getting enough sleep and drinking too much alcohol are all common mistakes that increase the likelihood of getting run down and catching colds and flu.”

Should you starve a fever and feed a cold?
“Never starve yourself! Nutritious hot drinks and soups are what you need. Hot liquids increase the temperature in the nose and mouth and help kill viruses off more quickly.” 

If someone has a family member under the weather, what steps should they take?
“Follow sensible hygiene principles – wash hands, keep close contact to a minimum and use disposable tissues to bin the germs. 
If you’re aged over 65 or suffering from a chronic problem such as diabetes or asthma, ensure you have the flu jab every year. 
This does not cause flu itself – this is an old wives’ tale – and greatly increases protection for that year against the latest strain of flu.”

How long is someone contagious for once they’ve got a cold?
Colds are contagious from around a week before the symptoms appear, until all of your symptoms are gone, which is sometimes as long as two weeks.

How to COLD-PROOF your festive season with simple survival tips
“Use an inhalant decongestant such as Olbas Oil to help relieve congestion," Dr Henderson advises

What are the biggest myths surrounding colds and flu?
MYTH: Antibiotics are the only way to cure colds and flu.
FACT: Antibiotics are only suitable for the treatment of bacterial infections and do not work on viruses such as those that cause colds and flu. You will only be prescribed antibiotics if the cold turns into a secondary infection such as bronchitis.
MYTH: You catch a cold from someone sneezing on you.
FACT: You’re more likely to be infected with a cold by touching a door handle, tea towel, or a handrail on the bus that’s been contaminated by the virus. Once your fingers have been contaminated and you rub your eyes or nose, the virus will invade your body.
MYTH: If you go out with wet hair, you’ll catch a cold.
FACT: It is now thought that you may actually be able to catch a cold by getting cold. When we shiver, our whole body becomes quite stressed, which lowers the immune system.
MYTH: You can catch the same cold twice.
FACT: There are around 200 cold viruses and, on average, we catch a couple each winter. Once the cold ends, your body has built up immunity which will protect you from catching the same virus again.
MYTH: Resting will help banish a cold quickly. 
FACT: Gentle exercise and fresh air are more likely to speed your recovery from a cold. But if you come down with flu, go to bed! Rest is essential to help you get better.

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