Eight top tips to avoid IBS: How to keep a HEALTHY gut
You can avoid Irritable bowel syndrome with these top tips
TALKING about bowel movements is never and easy task, but more and more men are suffering from IBS in silence.
Irritable bowel syndrome can be painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing - but talking to a doctor about the condition can and will help. 
That said, many of us try to self-medicate without understanding the fundamental basics of living a health life.
A whopping 30 per cent of the nation are suffering with gastro issues, but how many are leading a healthy life?
Here's our eight tips to having a health gut - and avoiding the pain of IBS. 
1. Take a seat to eat
Be mindful when eating – take the time to site, eat and enjoy your meal. Chewing your food properly is important.

Eight top tips to avoid IBS: How to keep a HEALTHY gut
Fibre encourages beneficial bacteria and helps speedy elimination of waste

2. De-stress
Too much stress does you digestive health no favours. Stress reduces secretory IgA (slgA) which is found in large quantities in the gut and acts as part of our immune system’s first line of defence. 
When functioning properly, slgA ‘tags’ foods to let us know they are OK and we don’t need to mount an allergic response to them. It also discourages ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut. 
Make sure to take time to relax. Stress is not only bad for your bowels but bad too for your general health – relaxation tapes, yoga, aromatherapy or massage may help.
 3. Fibre is your friend – but easy does it!
Fibre encourages beneficial bacteria and helps speedy elimination of waste from the body. A high-fibre diet may also reduce symptoms, particularly for people who have constipation. 
But easy does it – the gastrointestinal tract may need some time to adjust to an increased fibre intake, so introduce fibre rich food to the diet gradually. 
However, fibre may not improve IBS symptoms for everyone.

Eight top tips to avoid IBS: How to keep a HEALTHY gut
Tummy problems can vary from mild to severe

4. Hydration station
Drink plenty of fluids throughput the day, but limit fizzy drinks. For constipation especially, it is recommended that approximately two litres of water is consumed per day.
5. Reduce or eliminate certain foods from the diet
Some individuals with IBS may not tolerate specific foods. If there is a particular food that is a problem for an individual, they should try eliminating it and monitoring the response. 
It is recommended to keep a symptom and food diary. The low FODMAP diet may be beneficial for certain individuals in this regard. 
Before beginning a plan to reduce or eliminate certain foods from the diet, it is recommended to talk to a dietician.
Eight top tips to avoid IBS: How to keep a HEALTHY gut
Too much stress does you digestive health no favours
6. Set your limits
Eating fatty foods (e.g.: fast foods, chips, cheese, cakes and biscuits) and drinking caffeine or alcohol to excess can play havoc with your gut microbiota. 
Limit alcohol to less than two units a day and caffeine to less than three cups of coffee a day.
7. Put a pep in your step with a PrecisionBiotic supplement
Alflorex, containing the PrecisionBiotic 35624™ culture, can boost your digestive health by:
  • Defending against digestive inbalance 
  • Protecting against undesirable immune responses 
  • Increasing levels of Bifidobacteria in the gut. Bifidobacteria species have been known for generations for their health properties 
8. Exercise – get things moving
Getting fit improves overall health, including digestion. Take time to exercise each day, for example walking, swimming or cycling. Aim for 30 minutes of brisk exercise daily.

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