Shock dementia warning: Quit drinking completely or risk developing disease
Officials have told Britons to stop drinking to avoid developing dementia
MIDDLE aged people should go teetotal to reduce their risk of developing dementia, officials have warned.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) claimed there is "no safe level of alcohol consumption" in new guidelines on how to protect against the disease.
The watchdog called on the NHS to make the dangers of alcohol clear and encourage people to cut the amount they drink as much as possible.
Nice's guidance also cited studies which showed smoking, a lack of exercise and being overweight could heighten risks.
Shock dementia warning: Quit drinking completely or risk developing disease
Around 850,000 people in the UK have dementia
The warning – aimed at those aged 40 to 64 – comes as the Government reviews alcohol guidelines, which could be published later this year.
Its report also suggested drinking alcohol regularly had become a social norm which should be "challenged".
The report said: "Social norms can affect behavioural risks. It is becoming less usual for people to smoke, and that is an important driver for change. 
"Social norms also exist for other behaviours, and need to be challenged. 
"Drinking alcohol daily at home has become normal for some people, and this poses a threat to health."
Current official guidance states men should not exceed four units a day, while women can have up to three units.
Shock dementia warning: Quit drinking completely or risk developing disease
Smokers have a higher risk of developing dementia than non-smokers
Middle-aged people could also influence younger generations By changing their habits, Nice added.
The report said: "Children and young people are influenced by what they see.
"By changing their own smoking, physical activity, drinking and dietary behaviours, people in mid-life may positively influence the health of children and young people."

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