Pregnacise: The new app to help pregnant women keep fit
A new app Pregnacise has been created to help pregnant women work out
THERE'S a new app in town and it's specifically to help pregnant women exercise carefully during gestation.
Pregnancy can be a stressful time for women, and the weight gain can be difficult to accept for many. 
A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant.
New app Pregnacise has been developed with a personal trainer from Los Angeles and the endorsement of a Consultant Obstetrician. 
Natasha Brown - the PT - previously worked in LA training Robert Downey Jnr and is currently pregnant herself (what better endorsement). 
News News Blog spoke to Natasha about the app and why it's important to exercise during pregnancy. 
Pregnacise: The new app to help pregnant women keep fit
Natasha, a personal trainer, created the app to help her get through her pregnancy
She said: "It’s been said that giving birth takes the same amount of energy as running a marathon, and nobody in their right mind would prepare for one of those by sitting on the sofa watching TV for 9 months."
Talking about the Pregnacise Prenatal Programme, she added: "It’s been designed so that any mum-to-be, including those whose pregnancies are as draining as mine was, can do it. 
"All the exercises in it can all be done at home, without the need to squeeze into gym kit, and at any time of the day."
She added: "There’s no need to stack these exercises either if you don’t feel up to it. You’re not heart-rate training, you’re building your fitness and strength so it doesn’t matter if you do one set in the morning and another in the afternoon. 
"The point is you’ve done them. And when the time comes for your body to give birth, each one you’ve managed will help make that experience healthier and safer for both you and your baby."
Pregnacise: The new app to help pregnant women keep fit
Keeping fit and healthy will help when it comes to labour, Pregnacise claims
Natasha claims being pregnant changed her view of exercising whilst carrying a baby. 
She said: "I thought because I was a personal trainer, because I was so fit, because I knew what I was supposed to be eating, because I’d trained thousands of pregnant women in the gym, that I’d easily maintain my fitness during pregnancy. How wrong was I? 
"Up until I got pregnant I always thought the expectant mums who weren’t in the gym and weren’t training during their pregnancy were being lazy. But my first pregnancy with my daughter Kate was so tough that I went from being someone who was taking 10 training sessions a day, to this women who was too sick to even leave the house."
She added: "Yes, it’s important to exercise during pregnancy, but you can only do what your body will allow you to – and you often don’t really have much of a choice in that."

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