How ROBOTICS could help cure high blood pressure
One-in-four UK adults suffers from high blood pressure, according to national statistics
CLINICAL studies are under way on a revolutionary ultrasound treatment to help those suffering from resistant hypertension.
A pioneering way of tackling high blood pressure by using robot technology could help the millions of people who suffer with the condition. 
“If current trials are successful it could totally change how we treat it,” says Dr Adrian Brady, consultant cardiologist at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. 
It is believed that one-in-four adults in the UK suffers from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. 
Although some pressure is needed to force blood from the heart and around the body it can lead to an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease and even dementia if it reaches unhealthy levels. 
The exact cause is unknown but being overweight can be a contributing factor. 
Now tests are under way on a revolutionary treatment that could help the 5-10 per cent of people with resistant hypertension that cannot be successfully managed with a daily drug regime. 
The treatment called renal denervation involves using high-frequency ultrasound to disrupt the nerves wrapped around the renal artery. 
It is thought that “faulty” signals between the brain and the kidneys might be responsible for causing hypertension. 

How ROBOTICS could help cure high blood pressure
Doctors hope the revolutionary treatment will reduce the amount of medication many currently require
If that signal can be disrupted using ultrasound it might lower the patient’s blood pressure. 
The treatment involves a robot device directing ultrasound at the nerves around the kidneys but without damaging the artery. 
The process takes less than an hour and the patient can go home the same day. 
“The beauty of the procedure is that the ultrasound is delivered through the skin and is totally non-invasive,” adds Dr Brady, who is overseeing the clinical trial. 
The NHS trials are managed by US-based company Kona Medical. 
Potential patients are still being recruited for the study at Southampton General, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital and St Barts in London, as well as Glasgow. 
“I think it’s a pioneering approach and potentially it will make a big difference to those who have hypertension,” says Dr Brady. 
“We’re starting off by tackling those with the most severe type of hypertension because they are the hardest to treat. If it works the benefits would be tremendous.” 
How ROBOTICS could help cure high blood pressure
Potential patients are still being recruited for some hospitals around the country
Clinical trials using the new treatment have just started at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital.
Mark Boden, 57, a carpenter from the city, asked to take part in them. 
He was diagnosed with hypertension 30 years ago and has been on medication ever since. 
“High blood pressure runs in my family,” says the father of five. 
“My mum also suffered from it. 
I think it’s a pioneering approach and potentially it will make a big difference to those who have hypertension
Adrian Brady
“When I was diagnosed in my late 20s I was put on quite small doses of medication but over the years the dosage has increased. I’m now on six different tablets a day. 
“I’ve made lifestyle changes with my diet and I walk more. But one of the side-effects of the water pills I take is that my ankles swell up with fluid and become painful. 
“I would love to get off all the pills I’m on as it dominates my life. But I fear that if I don’t take the pills I could suffer a stroke or dizziness while I’m up a ladder doing my job.”
When Mark attends his appointment for the trial he will not know if he is having the real ultrasound treatment or undergoing a placebo procedure. 
This standard method of carrying out “blind” clinical trials is believed to lead to more accurate results. 
“If this new treatment was successful it would take so much worry out of my life,” says Mark.
Visit to find out if you are a suitable candidate to take part in the trials and click on the “current clinical studies” section

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